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What’s the best way to learn a new language?

No me puedo creer que ya pueda construir frases más o menos coherentes en 한국어. TT__________TT. 대박!
The best way to learn a new language you say?
Let me tell you this, I was the kind of person who used to think that someone can master a language without attending any language academy, having a private teacher or any kind whatsoever. But, I have now understood that only few people are able to do that. It is true you can learn a new language by using the great variety of resources that can be found on the internet (many free websites where you can learn the basics and even listen to some fragments of real-native-speakers-conversations); on the net you can also find many reciprocal-language-exchange websites (such as Interpals, LanguageExchange, and so on...).
This all makes us think, at a first sight, learning a new language rather reachable.
What I mean is: to be able to MASTER a NEW language without attending or receiving any external help, you need to put on an incredible effort, and you are expected to be really determined and constant. Self-students might learn a new language by their own, but I am absolutely sure that these students will make undoubtedly many more mistakes than those students (with the same level of proficiency) that have been guided by a teacher.
Native or specialized teachers are there so as us not to make the common mistakes every 'rookie' would make when learning a language for the VERY FIRST TIME.
I assume that if you are learning a new language you will not be sure whether you are getting all the grammar rules (which are the basics and the very first step to follow when learning a language) correctly or if you are using a precise vocabulary. With the help of your teachers you can be sure your mistakes will be corrected, and they will even encourage you to keep up working hard on the beautiful journey of acknowledging and absorbing a new language.
This is only a personal point of view from a student who is currently trying really hard to master two languages (한국어 and Français), a student that has found out that he cannot keep studying them by his own; a student who now needs the very help of language institutions and its teachers to improve, because he figured out that he hadn't developed anything having ''studied'' these languages by his own during almost two years; a student that has already finished a three-weeks time Korean intensive course and knows QUITE far more things than the 2 years he had spent studying it.
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Language: English