
Katie Schiel

Ask @kschiel15

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lmfao wow. because im talking to a friend and her brother does that to her all the time! so i thought id ask strangers their opinions. lol so when your brothers piss you off, do you ever fight back?

lol nah. not worth my time

wait just a minute...was that a typo or did you just say you have 4 brothers...FOUR?! omfg lol...are they all your actual brothers...or half or step?

three are my step & ones a full

do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?

I have four older brothers plus a ton of guy friends that are like brothers to me

just a month ago you were all "spot the difference" with her lol

shit happens. Tyler shouldn't be a manwhore & lie about shit that shouldn't be lied about. not that hard to be truthful 🖕🏻

Ohh, was it those digital ones that beeped when done, one for inside your rectum and another for the mouth?


Did your parents have those glass thermometers for when you got sick where there was one that came in a blue case and another in a red case?

uh no


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