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Latest answers from (இ﹏இ`。)

is it just me or are you still short?

kai, can you not.
and yes, it's me who stays short. i'll grow few centimetres every year of your birthday though. tsk.

What makes you sad?

injustice. self suicide. ending your life like its nothing when you only have one chance to live - people, if you want to rant, get on anon and rant on me. don't ever hesitate, okay? ♡

hello there, love. girls day's maknae, hairy legs - coughs i mean, lee hyeri here. its a pleasure to meet you. <3

hello to you too, sweetheart!
rv's kang seulgi imnida. \o let me help you with shaving your hairy legs - bricked.

Which is worse, being too hot or too cold?

too hot. im dying from the hot radiation - sTOP DOING DEFORESTATION, GUYS. GLOBAL WARMING IS INCREASING. D;

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

i honestly don't quite get the question but if there is any book/fictional novel that i want to transform into a movie, it would be ' my life undecided ' because dayum - jUST READ A SYNOPSIS ON THE BOOK, OKAY EARTHLINGS. i can assure you that the book is damn beautiful -

guess who?

how am i suppose to guess -
uM. is this irene because saranghaeyo. < 3 or whoever you are, please reveal yourself, dear human. winkwonks.

^ haha, that face up there. <3 laboum's heart, kim yujeong here! it's a pleasure to meet you.

kim yujeong.
laboum's baby < 3
hello, hello.
rv's personal bear who will welcome you with an open arms, kang seulgi imnida. nice to meet you! im guessing life's treating you awesome, b? < 3

Language: English