

Ask @ksieurbfucidnw

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what did you manage to accomplish this week ? ✨

arrrby’s Profile Photo✨ Rare ✨ Essence ✨
Well I helped my dad outside and I isntalled the Christmas light out the house … that was just me being nice … I just get bored at home .. plus it makes my mom and my daughter happy … I cleaned my room .. I did laundry .. .. and I got my sons Xmas gift 🙂

How many pillows do you actually sleep on?

1-3 … because I level my spine and my neck using one pillow around my knees and shit

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Lol you a waste of time, Im tired of coming back to this app to waste that on you and your mind games.. I've got work to do, see ya!


I don’t tease everyone All I ever wanted was 1 guy who doesn’t want me Soooo cheers 🥂 Get drunk


What are you doing this weekend?❤️🎄💚

This weekend I’m spending quality time with my daughter I wanna take her out .. She’s growing and soon she’ll be independent.

Why be loyal when no one else is ?

Because if you’re loyal you’re vibration is higher so your life has a higher frequency and frequency can be converted to that chemical in the brain that makes you feel happy 🙂

Heheheheeee 😈 The little demon has come out Lol this beer is hella gooood

You see .. 🤦🏽‍♂️ I don’t know why some people start drinking in a late age .. you don’t need to start drinking now. You’re not missing anything. Besides it’s gonna messed up your curves … your body gets damage

What about your hands, soft or hard?

My hands are normal … I don’t have soft hands darlin .. I don’t even wear gloves at the gym … but if in touch your hand it won’t be hard.. but it’s not soft .. not at all… I work hard darlin I’m a man

Why do women brag about being/having sneaky links and then turn around and whine about wanting to be in a relationship?



Language: English