

Ask @ksieurbfucidnw

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Ready for a romantic relationship?

I don’t think you’re ever ready .. love just come .. and shit gets romantic but maybe not it depends. I’m single right now I talk to anyone .. and I’ve Notice that any girl talk to me I am very lucky… I used to be afraid to be alone and no partner .. but not anymore .. because I have learn to love my self.. now my heart is not empty . Is full of love and I don’t need a girl with an empty heart to try to drain me out

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I like to joke with you

Really 😁😂??? You’re funny sometimes .. sometimes you’re not you’re just straight up stuck up 🤣

Do guys like sleepy girls? By sleepy girls I mean ones that would rather stay home and nap or are always in bed

I never had one before but it sounds good for winter time 😁

Does someone have a crush on you?

Yes many … and many people have a crush on you too .. but I’m here and that’s all it matters .. if you haven’t kissed no one or had sex with no one after we meet .. well I guess we are kinda like a couple but very spiritual super super spiritual like Godaaaaaamnnnnn for real baby.

How can someone who claims to “love you” and “worry about you” be the same person who calls you a "hoe” and even accuses you of being “lesbian” for no reason… ….. ALWAYS plays the victim, talks shit behind your back and makes up stories so that you look like a horrible person to everyone around..

I called some one I hoe that was not a hoe… but that was along time go .. and I sent her flowers to apologies …. 🌹

💍 What is your current relationship status?

No one .. she don’t like me that much . She said I’m broke and money matters to her .. and social status is important for her .. and her social life depends on her reputation … but she says she loves me … and so all I do is love my self… I’ve notice the more I love my self the more beautiful girls I attract … and there some rich girls out there, that don’t give a F about money, all they want is some one real funny and smart as company ..:: and guess what … that’s what …. That’s what I’m doing … some rich girls pay for flights 😁 … I might turn in to a PIMP as my official job .. maybe then the love of my life accept me 🙃

How many times would you accept someone friend request on social media after they unfollowed you a few times already??

If love was your father he would be spanking you right now … Love makes you so crazy things


Language: English