

Ask @ksieurbfucidnw

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I love you ❤❤

Let’s try it. But we can keep it between us if you want to. I understand you. But also understand that I am some one with so many qualities… most people want my companion, my words, and my time… no one has ever been ashamed of me… maybe cause they know me … but you act like you’re ashamed of me…
But that’s cool … I know who I am … and I’m willing have the patience to try something if you want

Are you okay?

Yes I am fine. I’m very calm. I’ve been Xmas shopping for my daughter and Son..: I end up buying everything of Amazon 😁 Amazon is ruling the world. I was bad for like a few days, because I heard some news … but I’m good now

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I don't care about being rich, I am grateful for what is. That's when you are rich, when you are content and happy with what you already have

I feel rich AF … if you’d know all I know … if you’d know the power of God you will never be broke again. Only broke people are afraid to be broke, cause they don’t wanna be broke no more … maybe they need to get to know God.

I'm waiting for you to call me

No. I’m not calling you. Because I feel that If I call you and if you don’t pick up I’m gonna go and fuck next girl in line. Because I get so hurt when play like this … and also you talk shit like I’m using my moms cell account .. when you know that my fucking stupid fucking ex motherfucking wife, fucked up my name so I can’t even buy a car with the bank. That bitch left me in the streets … and you still talk shit… just to think about it, pisses me off … and I don’t have mental problems … I’m just mad cause look how that bitch abused my kindness … you do that shit too and that’s why we don’t talk

Are rib tie front tops still in?

You are crazy 😆 don’t be like that 🙂… sometimes you don’t know why people are different.
She had heart attack, she hasn’t recovered, half of her face is paralyzed 😞 … I will never date her because she still married. She is just a friend that I care about. But my heart belongs to my true love … and I hope we both can work out, our differences…
Before is too late… not because of me.. but because of life 😔 life changes even if you don’t want to… I would hate to never ever see the love of my life ever again

wasn't the world supposed to end exactly 9 years ago?

No, it was a bad calculation by the archeologist when they tried to uncode the Aztec calendar and the Maya calendar. Actually 2012 will start on 2025 I think if I remember right.
Is interesting to see, mainstream media ( tv, radio, magazines) talk about things like this because they make Hollywood movies.
And I will not be the end of the world but the end of an era…
And it is happening … do you remember all these technology when you were a kid!???
We are in getting in to the age of space traveling, dark side of the moon, nano technology and contact with other beings…
The age of Aquarius ♒️

Not a question but remember to thank the ones who help you and tell people close to you that you love them because our time here on earth is borrowed and we don't know the exact deadline to it's end

Yes that is very true. I lost my kids. I lost my Dog, I lost many things … I even lost my own self.
Appreciating life will bring more things to be thankful for. We live and we learn.
Liked by: Skelpink

I need to give time so that we can both heal. But dammit I wana cry in your arms and hold u and never let go again, and tell u how sorry I truly am. Someone told me that if the love was real, then I should respect the time and space that u need. And it’s Guna hurt. But I promise I’ll try my best

Thank you so much. This words mean so much. And I’m here because I love you. And this is true, and love is real… if we ever end up on the same page… that’s when the magic will come. And I really want that.

Would you lie to yourself. To stay married to a person that psychologically abuse you intentionally??

Oh no… I did that for many years. I sacrificed my self for my babies. But that was the past. I will never ever ever do that ever again.

+ 5 💬 messages

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what's your favourite thing to do while having your morning coffee? i like to listen to music and scroll on social media.

I like to check my messages … I don’t drink coffee 😁 but I do have breakfast 🙂

I've come to realize that, tragically, a huge percentage of people are not well versed in politics, despite the fact that politics rule us, dictates our lives and our well-being. So sad, imagine living like a robot who just does everything their superiors dictates, without questioning anything.

Yes … when I moved to this country I realized that the government rules your mind with words, that make you blind… for example ….
In Mexico the phrase I LOVE YOU it’s not the Same in English … so that means that English speaking people, love different than Spanish speaking people.
That’s just the word LOVE….

Do you believe in true love ?

Yes true love is the one inside me… true love is the respect for me, if you don’t show appreciation for me I will do that for my own self … and I will push away all the fake friends. That is real love

Why do you praise romantic love so much? I don't get it, please explain

I was in love one time .. not anymore … I can’t be I love with some one with so much ego

What do you think about rich people ?

Some work hard, some were lucky, some others kill and lie and steal from people .. what you think about rich people ???? Are you gonna answer this fucking question of you gonna let me guess like always ? I’m tired of talking to you as if you are invisible .. and the worst is when you talk shit about my life … you don’t even know how much I know about you … I don’t talk shit about your life because I know what what’s up


Language: English