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Tell me your mums cancer story xxx

Ok this is going to be really hard,but I'll manage
My mum was always in pain,even though she didn't show it at all,we all knew she was
Sometimes it was headaches,back pains,and at some points she couldn't walk at all or even get out of bed
She started getting chest pains
Really bad chest pains
Which sometimes caused the ambulance being called
Just to be on the safe side,they once asked my mum to have a few tests done,to see whether she was diagnosed with some sort of disease
I knew she was going through some tests,but all we could really do was hope for the best I guess
It was a normal school day,it was quite a big day tho because my mum had her final test
I was sitting in the canteen with the girls,like I normally would do at break time when Salma came over and showed me a text from my older sister-it said exactly this "mum has 2 tumours in her left breast:( she has cancer"
Salma was pale in the face and walked off cos she knew what was ganna happen
I got up and followed her,obviously the girls didn't know what happened so they followed after me
I stopped Salma and she just hugged me and we both started crying in front in everyone-embarrassing I know,but yeah anyway,Elese asked me what had happened and I looked at her straight in the face and said "my mums got breast cancer",EVERYONE was in shock ok,some of the girls started crying
I got taken out of lessons for the rest of the day,everything was going downhill ok
My mum goes through so much and doesn't let anyone see her pain ffs,you're with us through everything mum and I can't thank you enough,you're my inspiration,my hero and my role model,you're such a beautiful woman and one day I'll make you proud mumma,I love you x

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Language: English