Ask @kyutieful_

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ahhh i don't think i explained it right (wow i suck lmao) what i meant was yoongi and jungkook are high dominance where do the others fall on the scale? (i think thsi is better i'm sorry)

Aaaaaaaaah, haha sorry!
Okay so let's try to to do this under ten to make it easier to think haha.
10 = extremely high dominance, rare (only some alphas) - Yoongi, Jungkook, the head alpha from the meeting.
9 = high dominance - majority of alphas, and Lily (Sorry, I had to, because even though she's a horse and not a Lupus, she was still highly dominant, which is why she and Jungkook butted heads a lot haha)
8 = above average of dominance, but not alpha status (can hold against alphas for a small period of time, and can make those lower than them submit if desired) - Jimin
6 = average dominance (can withstand dominance and deliver it easily) - Jin
4 = dominant, but just slightly lower than average (find it harder to resist another's dominance, but they can use it but it isn't as strong as an average dominant Lupus) - Namjoon and Hoseok
2 = little dominance (can stand their ground if they really fight against it, but find it hard to dominate others) - Taehyung
0 = no dominance, completely submissive to dominant individuals - most Mundanes
I hope that makes sense! ^-^

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okay so jk and yg- alphas what are the rest rank (is that right i'm sorry if te not) wise

Jungkook & Yoongi - alphas (protectors, and pillars of strength and knowledge)
Jin - pack chief (their word is law)
Namjoon - pack leader (assists and helps the chief with leading the care of a pack)
Hoseok - pack trainer (trains and educates pack members)
Jimin - scout (assists alphas if they are part of a pack, but if not, they aid in the safety of the pack due to their heightened senses)
Taehyung - overseer (assists in the safety and care of Lupus communities and are now helping Lupus folk safely merge into Mundane society)
Hope that makes sense! ^-^

honestly out of every scene you could write in jungkook's pov, the one i'm most excited about would tae facing the opposer and the (possible) lecture he got from that

that is definitely happening, and it's going to hit you with feels because we all know how much Jungkook treasures and adores Taehyung, so to see Taehyung in that position, it's going to be rough on the old emotions ;p

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so the den for the new packs is the remodeled barn where lily used to stay at, taehyung barely ever goes to his grandma's farmhouse& the pack still stays at their old den. How come tae avoids the farmhouse when its so close to the barn & do jin and others stay at the new den to help the new pack or

The farmhouse also houses the new packs as well as the converted stables where Lily used to live, and that is the main reason why Taehyung no longer lives there. He just can't live in the farmhouse at the moment. He just needed space from it, from the reminders of those he cherished, have passed away on that land. He also wanted to be closer to Jungkook, which is why he moved into the den and not somewhere in Daegu.
When a new pack is living in the farmhouse or the stables, the Jin and the others only visit, not stay. They're there as guides for the first few days, and then as companions that come and go so that the new packs have time to adjust by themselves. This is also why Taehyung hasn't been a frequent visitor to the farmhouse, he doesn't want to bother the new packs as they adjust!
I hope all of that makes sense~

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Hi! How's the pov of JK for lupi? God I'm sorry I just sounded like an asshole professor and I didn't mean to, just my english is limited idk how to express my question properly :( I hope you're also enjoying your break and pls stay healthy!! Fighting ?? ?

Hi! It's okay to ask! Jungkook's POV is nearly 50k and I'm nowhere near the halfway mark hahaha, so it's coming, but it's going to be a looooooooong fic since it includes ALL of the fics so far (and more) ^-^

Hi, I absolutely love your series. The love and trust between Taekook in Lupus Tales is absolutely beautiful to read! I was wondering, by My Lupi and subsequent sequels (in sickness and in health), do Taekook live in the den or in Taehyung's grandmother's house? I was quite confused so thank you x

Hi! Taekook actually split their time from living in the den with the rest of the pack, and living in the tree den that Jungkook built for Taehyung. It's the same for Yoongi and Jimin - they live in the den with the pack but also live in the den that Yoongi works in. Taehyung no longer lives at the farmhouse - but he still owns it and pays the bills. Only the new packs coming through spend time living in the farmhouse before they move on closer to the cities!

Hi, I'm curious as to who has more dominance between Yoongi and Jungkook. Love the series, you're really talented!

Hi! You will find out the answer to that question in Jungkook's POV fic since we see him meeting Yoongi for the first time ;p

Hi!!! I have been reading the Lupus series since the first fic came out and it is my ult fave fic of all time. This is been confusing me since it has been mentioned in the Lupus series but are scouts faster and scent/sense things better than alphas? Or are they at the same level?

Hi! Sorry for the late reply! Scouts aren't better than alphas, but they do share the same heightened sense of smell and fast reflexes. A scouts role - especially in a pack without an alpha - is to keep track and keep the pack safe by being able to gain that knowledge faster than your average Lupus. However, being born with heightened senses and NOT being an alpha, is not that common, only a small percentage do have those traits (including Jimin). But scouts are often the ones to aid alphas the most if they are part of the same pack, and if there is no alpha, then scouts tend to naturally mimic an alpha's response in changes of their environment! I hope that makes sense ^-^

Hi i have a question about the jk pov fic, will we be seeing jk's side of the meeting? When tae faced the opposer? I would love that. Thank you

Hey! Yep, we'll be seeing that scene! We're pretty much going to see Jungkook's POV for pretty much all of the fics, and that includes scenes we've already seen because of Taehyung, but also new scenes that will show Jk and the pack in more detail!
I have a pretty bad feeling that this fic could easily become the same length as Lupi, but I'm trying not to let it haha

hey, first of all, I just wanna say that I love yours stories so much, I lost count of how many times I have read lupi >-< but I want to know if I can translate the story in portuguese?? the taekook fandom here it's huge and you deserve so much more attention, I promise to give credit for everything

tamirescastro32’s Profile Photojungtaenie
(2) oh the word limit... but I'm the same person ajsks it's okay if you don't wanna your stories being reposted, I really understand
Thank you for the support~ but at this moment, I rather not have the fics translated yet because the series isn't finished, and I don't want to go down the path of translations happening to unfinished work, only for those people waiting to be disappointed when nothing more comes. I hope that makes sense! ^-^

Hi!! so i just discovered the lupus series and read it all in one sitting. I just wanted to thank you for putting so much effort in it. It was amazing, and it made my day. Thank you very very much, like seriously i am obsessed. You are amazing and i hope you have a great day!!

Awwww, thank you so much for the kind-hearted words~ I'm glad the au has your wrapped around its finger <3

okay so you described tae as a lupi, but do you have a picture of what he would look like?

I had the perfect picture of how Taehyung would look like as a Lupus, but.......*takes a deep breath* my memory card corrupted and I never did save it elsewhere T-T
HOWEVER, since i can't find that photo anywhere on instagram where I had found it, these pictures are as close to how I picture him - golden brown tones (the canine on the left) and just an overall soft, wolf face (canine on the right).
okay so you described tae as a lupi but do you have a picture of what he would

aHHhH i can't wait for the jk pov fic!!! i've honestly been anticipating this fic ever since it was first mentioned and ik u will not disappoint me with the all the fluff that it will contain;; have fun writing sammy (•̀ᴗ•́)و

Hahaha, I hope it doesn't dissapoint~ I think his pov is the 2nd most requested fic for me to write, so i'm feeling a little nervous about it!

i want to know if you could show images of taekook's truck

I couldn't find the exact image in my head. i have zero knowledge on trucks, so i tried to find the closest in terms of build and length! Ideally, taekook's truck doesn't look THAT expensive, but close to it in terms of the aesthetic of it~ it's big enough for Taehyung to feel safe in and also to transport friends in, and it's also big enough for Jungkook's work tools and materials ^-^
i want to know if you could show images of taekooks truck

hiii sammy! the kook's pov fic still up right? bc u say "latest" and I panicked ALSO i cant believe that i have to be YOUR MOTHER and tell you to take care of yourself little girl! please be careful with the cold, drink a lot of water and take medicine BUT not too much! I'm watching you huh

Hiiiiii~ Jungkook's fic is still happening, don't worry! It's taking severe effort to write during the little moments I have, but it's coming! I also have another main fic in the planning stages, so there is more to come! Lol i need someone to kick my butt in taking care of myself better, but i am trying~ (kick my immune system for me, it may listen to you)

hi I'm not in angst person (im so soft for that) but i was wondering if jungkook and tae never screaming at each other or something? even if not the intention or sounds in the wrong way..? they're so peaceful cute together

Just like any relationship - romantic or platonic - arguing is normal, so of course they'd have their moments too! The fighting wouldn't be extreme, but they'd still have their moments of conflict because they both have different backgrounds and cultures.
But their relationship revolves around them being 100% honest and uncensored with each other BECAUSE of those differences, so they'd know how to talk it out after the initial conflict ^-^

okay, so i have something i'd like you to clear up a little if possible. are packborns social packs that had children? like if jungkook and tae "had" kids would it be that kids packborn?

Yep! It's basically a pack that a child is born and grows up in!
A pack-born becomes a 'pack-born' for that lupus born into it. So if Tae and Jungkook had a kid, the pack they are with would become that kid's pack-born, because the kid was born and raised in that pack-born! I hope that made more sense ^-^

okay i might be otherhinking this (i do it a lot) but are namjin a couple? (i'm gonna explain my reasoning so maybe you can clear up more or tell me i am overthinking) in one of us, jeongguk tells tae, "they're both alphas, but they're not a couple." which lead me to the conclusion that namjin is +

couple. anyways sorry for the long ask! i really enjoy the plot and your writing and i enjoy the fact that you're willing to explain parts of it!
Namjoon and Jin are not a couple, sadly. They just make one heck of team for the pack, and because of they were both raised, their views and thinkings are the same! They balance each other in a nonromantic way~ ^-^

Hiiiii, have you ever thought about doing a scene where the rest of the pack find out that Taehyung and Jungkook have mated? I really want to see how Jimin/Yoongi react and how the rest of the pack use this to learn from!

Hi! We'll probably see that scene during Jungkook's POV fic ^-^

I've a couple of things I've wondered about re. the lupus au / universe. Is childbearing dependent on someone's disposition i.e. only omegas or gender i.e. only lupas? (can you tell i want parents!yoonmin? :P) is mating possible between pack siblings? (just curious about this ;))

Only female sexed Lupus can bear children. It doesn't matter about their level of dominance - if they have ovaries and a womb, they are the only sex that can carry a pup to term.
Mating between pack-siblings that are NOT blood-related, is normal. A pack-born is just one big unit that is closely related to family units seen in Mundane society, but since most pack members don't share direct blood ties, mating can happen.
However, incest isn't a thing in Lupus society or culture because of the scents that blooded-siblings have with their parents - the scent is a deterrent and helps establish who is related to who. It's hard to be attracted to someone that smells like your mother or father, if you get what I mean ^-^
Yoonmin can still be parents - they can always adopt or use surrogates, which is common in Lupus culture for same-sexed couples that wish to have pups!

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Okay, another question. Do lupus age like humans? or do the have an extended life span? because this seems to be a 50/50 thing in fics and i dont want to assume.

They age the same as humans! But because of their faster healing and stronger immune system, they can look a little more youthful, but they still do show signs of aging. But they are not immortal, they can still die from illnesses that their own advanced immune system can't protect them from!

Werewolf/ABO fics really get me goofing. Especially the non traditional ones. Thank you for your hard work!

Thank you for enjoying the au~

i know this probably isn't the way this fic is going to go, but out of curiousoty, is there a way to turn a mundane into a lupus or can you only be born one?

In this au, you can only be born a Lupus! You can - however - be born part Lupus, part Mundane, but that is a very very small percentage of happening (or known of) at the moment).
In the future, when both sides have reached some stability of co-existing and both feel secure and comfortable within this new merged society, then that percentage will most likely grow as more Mundane and Lupus folk interact and form relationships together!

OhmyGOD!! taekook as parents?? to an abandoned PUP???YESS??? YES PLS????

*giggles as she withholds all the au secrets and plans*

hiii~~ sorry if i'm late but jeongguk calling taehyung's parents to updates about their son its cute and hilarious xD did jk that tell them about the marriage?

They both told his parents! His parents were a little shocked, but then they were reminded of how lovely dovey they are in the video call haha. They were shocked mainly because of their young age, but they support them~
All they have to do now is reveal Jungkook's heritage.....which is something they are both planning to do soon now that Tae's parents know how serious they are.


Language: English