

Hi. First congrats on your 4As!! That's fantastic. I wrote my mocks a while back and I didn't do that great. Got an A, 2 B's and a C. I write my finals in october. And honestly I'm so terrified that I'll do badly since I didn't do that great in mocks even though I studied hard. I just feel so (cont)

All right, listen up closely. There is only one way to succeed and that's through hard work. If you don't put in the effort, you won't get the result. It's as simple as that. I didn't follow that rule last year. I was cocky and arrogant and foolish (also v. depressed, but that's another story for another day). So I didn't study hard at all. It was like I was expecting a car to drive itself with no gas. And it's good to be confident and it's good to be ambitious. But ambition without hard work is what dreams are made of, and nobody wants to dream forever. You're dreaming of getting straight A's. Good, that means that you have ambition. Now, you have to put in the hard work. Obviously, some people learn differently. If your car doesn't run on gas then you'll have to work harder and push that fucking boot even if it takes you an hour to move the car forward by a metre. Nobody ever told me that hard work isn't the same for everyone, even though we share similar, if not the same, dreams.
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JustTellievision’s Profile Photo SimplayJamsz’s Profile Photo shilosh’s Profile Photo

Latest answers from Kaddy

I find it really irritating that practically every ask/wattpad user are following the trend of being anonymous and refuse to answer basic answers of themselves which is actually quite disheartening don't you want your fans to get to know you guys ????

fam if someone wants to keep their personal life private then you gotta respect that.

I'm not sure if you'll remember me (we didn't have a lot of conversations or anything lmaoo) but even though I've read your work a long time ago I still think they're really amazing honestly, I was just wondering how you've been and what you've been up to ? :)

SimplayJamsz’s Profile PhotoJamaira
uni life has hit me hard. like a brick-wall that's about 50m thick. it's literally a constant battle between pulling all nighters and then sleeping for 18 hours the next day. no in between. i'm still surprised that 10 weeks ago, little old me thought she was going to be doing all the reading on time, attending every class, sleeping at the ripe time of 10pm, with her skin on fleek, hair on fleek, eyebrows on fleek, clothes on fleek. banter. i turn up to my lectures in last night's makeup with the hangover of a century and then go home to sleep before trekking back to the library at 11pm to do reading i should have done in reading week. and nights out are even crazier. but now it's my christmas break and i'm home and i can finally breathe again.
oh wait, no i can't. i have to do more reading.
but life's great. seriously. i'm in a place i never thought i'd be, surrounded by brilliant friends and the coolest academics. and i met this mature guy who keeps me grounded and afloat at the same time. plus i'm learning about literary theories and art and aesthetic movements. so much knowledge i feel like my ears might leak glitter soon haha. it's just so cool because i've never felt so carefree and young. i'm happier than i used to be...
...but 9am starts are still the devil. that much definitely hasn't changed lol

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what are ur absolute favourite/must watch films?

-the imitation game
-the theory of everything
-still alice
-finding dory
-the sisterhood of night
-easy a
-prince caspian
-pirates of the caribbean (only the first 3)
-10 things i hate about you
-harry potter and the goblet of fire
those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. anything with eddie redmayne is a must see for me though

Watch "방탄소년단 (BTS) ‘피 땀 눈물 (Blood Sweat & Tears)’ MV" on YouTube GUYS PLZ FOR OUR BANGTAN BOYS WE NEED THOSE RATINGS UP

JustTellievision’s Profile PhotoEllie (ellion)
sorry. first thing i do back on ask is fangirl over my boys. i'm just so deep in kpop i'll never resurface ever again haha

what is your tumblr theme?

i wish i could remember but i can't. i got the template from another tumblr but it was over a year and a half ago. i'm so sorry

what are u planning to do in the summer? i need some ideas for stuff to do, even if its at home :) even if its something like learning a language or watching a play! (sending this to a bunch of ppl for ideas, thanks!!!)

my summer is over and i did nothing but work 40 hours a week. being poor is so fun :))

Hey, kaddy! I was on the student room looking at the A2 results day posts when I came across yours!! I couldn't believe the coincidence! Anyway, I came here to say congratulations and your improvement is inspiring. Keep doing what u do bc you're awesome xx YOU GIVE ME HOPE <3 AGAIN CONGRATS

steinfields’s Profile Photofeyre
i defo had my fair share of meltdowns. but i genuinely worked my socks off from start to finish. and i hated myself for the longest time but retaking year 12 was the best and hardest decision i have made for myself and my future. good luck to you. i think sometimes you have to fail before you can succeed. if anything, i'm a product of that. i hope you work your cute socks off too. your future is too bright for you to close your eyes to it just yet <3

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