
laila youssef

Ask @lailayoussef

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Are you still with Ava? I you are then you guys should make a vine please

ya i am lol....we will make one now hahah.

Are you and Ava in a fight? Because usually you guys blow up my feed with vines and you guys are probably my friend role models because I've always wanted to be as close you guys are with someonne

no were not in a fight! we're actually hanging out today and I'll make sure we make tons of vines for you!(: this is really sweet and i appreciate you telling us this! thank you!❤❤❤

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If you were stranded on an island, what 4 people would you choose to have with you?

uhm im not really sure but 4 people that i really love and would want to be with!

Do u know if Amber would date Bryce Brew

why do you freaking keep asking about bryce brew. get out.

What do u think of Bryce Brew and Farhan Haque in your math class

idk they're pretty nice and cool..

Kyle Wilkerson? If u remember him ;)

i do remember him! haha he kept double-jumping me at big air! haha, he's really sweet and we should talk more(:

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

i would ask my cat what he thinks of me even though im pretty sure he's in love me.

what do u think of mason manier

he's pretty cool...but somedays he hates me and other days he's nice. but he's a chill friend.


Language: English