
laura holly crowe

Ask @lauracrowe92

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How would the world be different if everybody was vegetarian?

Much better, everyone would be much healthier and I would actually like healthy food instead of stuffing my face with crap

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I need your help people!

laura holly crowe
I'm starting up my YouTube again soon and would like to do a Q and A, so if you have any questions then send them my way :)
Also, like this so your followers can see and send some more questions my way too :)

http://ask.fm/bethicamathers had sex with a naked pussy and she put a knife in her bum, plus she was mean to me and she said she hated blood on the dance floor. send her hate please

Think people should give you hate for liking blood on the dance floor.

are you injured? cuz you're gonna be calling for medick ;)

The thing is, I'm not injured, so I won't be calling for a medick. 10/10 for effort anon.

How do you know that he didn't say fat referring to her personality. She is big headed, yeah. If you really knew the entire story rather than just what he did wrong, it started with him complementing her and she replied making fun of him.

Dana Hasty
Then why not use the words "you're big-headed" or "you have such a big ego" instead of "you're fat."
So if I (or someone else) commented to you saying you were fat, or anorexic, you would think it was about your personality?
You're just making excuses for a boy that is mentally scarring young vulnerable girls. You're no different from what he is.
I feel sorry for all the people who died for this country to see what it has become. Where it's ok to call people fat, and to tell people to go and die.
The thing is, I know it isn't about her personality because he didn't protest against what I said, he admitted to calling her fat, and to calling me fat and made a guess about my weight. Unless my personality weighs 500lbs?

okay okay. you say marriage is a right and you're implying your accepting on gay people, if I'm correct. although, you just called my best friend, @RomansBitch69, a faggot. I don't see how his sexuality should be used as a negative thing to you. Omg you're so straight omg ://////

Dana Hasty
So you're finding me using the term faggot mean and horrible, yet he can go round on the internet and call young girls fat? As a teenager yourself (I assume) you should know that words can hurt people more than physical abuse. I think what your best friend saying is more hurtful than me calling him a faggot. The thin is, his words can cause anorexia, where these girls (or guys) get called fat so much, that they start thinking their body shape is wrong, and at such a young age, I think that it is absolutely disgusting. You should be enjoying your life instead of worrying about how much you weigh, yet your friend is forcing these thought into vulnerable peoples minds. I think you new a new best friend. Also, a faggot is also an item of food. How do you know I wasn't calling him a faggot as in food term?

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Who is your inspiration in life and why? :)

My fiancées mum. She's been through so much in the past, yet she remains the most positive person I know. She's so loving, nothing is too much trouble for her. She's hilarious and instantly made me feel like part of the family. The same can be said for the rest of Josh's family too. They're all great people.

whoever likes this, ask them three questions?

Only if they like and send me a question too. A decent question, that is actually a question instead of "I liked your answer"
Liked by: LeighHeatherX

What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

Lots of paraben free makeup and hair products :) plus nice clothes and expensive shit for the cat that she will probably never use.

HI! Whats the furthest you've ever been on holiday? :}

Lauren Tyson
France. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to travelling :p there's many more places I want to go though!

Who would want to see...

laura holly crowe
A Halloween makeup tutorial some time after Saturday? As that is when I'm getting dressed up and won't have time to do it before. Ask me a response if you'd like it or not.

@SunnySidhu644 @kcaj1100/ report both of these cunts, they bully people and try to get them noticed on ask.fm so everyone can take the mick out of the victims please get them kicked off ask by reporting them

In all honesty, it shouldn't just be these two, it should be everyone who's dumb enough to go along with it. If people are that bothered by being bullied, all they have to do is turn anon off and the hate will soon stop.

I honestly don't get...

laura holly crowe
Why so many 13-14 year olds are obsessed with relationships. The chance of you staying with that person for the rest of you life is slim, the chance that you actually love them is pretty slim, as I myself as a teenager have learnt that all the people I've been with in the past actually wasn't love at all, just like or "fancy" an incredible amount. When the majority of you grow up, you will regret the majority of choices you have made. Why can't you all just focus on the friends and family you have? And focus on the good? You're all too young to be feeling depressed. Just wait until you have the pressure of adulthood on you. When you start having to get a job, pay bills and have more responsibility. When you end up in a job you hate for years just to put food on the table and clothes on your back. Then you'll be wishing you can go back to school. I know that I do! -rant over-

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What can you do to make this world a better place?

We can't now. We've gone too far. But josh can stop lying on my hair. #longhairproblems

do you think zombies will move slow enough for us to paint them as pokemon?

No, they will run fast and eat your brains before you had a chance to get out your paintbrush.

What scares you more than anything else?

Spiders, painful death, illness, pain, hospitals, the unknown, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, did I also mention spiders? Fucking hate those things.
Liked by: jam

i think i might be a clefairy cuz id double-slap dat ass

You'd slap a donkey? Twice? That's animal abuse you know. Will have to get RSPCA on you!

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

I can't answer this. And I think if there is someone out there who can, then you really have very little in your life.

wanna go on an ate with me? ill give you the D later

An ate? I've already eaten thank you. I'm also not interested in the letter D. I'm more partial to an S as it has some nice curves.

i left my blowjob at your house can i come over and get it?

Sure why not, I won't be in though, but one of my gay friends will let you in :)


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