

Ask @laurenforddd

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Thoughts on jetikins??

he is honestly my best friend right now, i can't even think of life without him now he's seriously one of the best things that's happened to me. we do the most random things ever, he makes me really happy even if we're both in terrible moods bcos of ppl, he's completely honest with everything i say to him, i can tell him like all my secrets and i know they won't get told and if they do he knows he'll get punished by me:p i actually love how we act around each other and i can't have that with anyone else but him :)))))

Paragraph/Honest opinion on Ethan?:)

ethan is such a great person even though sometimes he may not behave like one deep down he is. he was a fab person to have a joke around with, and he would make me laugh so much, he would help me out with like everything possible, it's so different without him i just wish he would come back already :( :( :(
Liked by: Ethan ✌

Why is it that a guy and a girl can't just be friends without people suspecting something's up?

i dunno but when you find out can you tell me :) :) :)

how many times would u go out with the same person ?

probably atleast twice and that's all cos otherwise it's just pointless

thoughts on nicole hammond?

chlo's sister, so nice, always smiling when ever i see her, easy to talk to, and so so so perfect xxx

thoughts on caitlyn mckenzie?

today i got to know her better, she's so easy going and nice, so skinny:( so nice she's just a caring person in general :) :)


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