

Ask @laurenhebert_

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The anon that started this shit is Amelia Roberts. I'm pretty sure.

I agree 😂 this drama need to stop I'm sick of it if u guys are gonna talk shit keep it to your self ~ if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all Btw this is Aleena and people need to leave her alone . I got you❤️

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Just block them out.😂 but I honestly think getting away from all of this will be a positive thing for you to get away from this idiots.

I just gonna go disappear in the mountains for a summer. 😇🗻

Thank the lord🙏🏽 and don't take shot from anyone there just jealous. I would miss you so much❤️

It's easier said than done. But thanks ❤️😓

Lauren please do not leave your perfect and they need to leave you alone❤️

Thanks anon💜 &I'm only gonna for a summer.

Why are you leaving?

Because I'm tired of mooresville. All these dumb ass bitches who blame me all this drama. I never did anything to anyone. I'm done with my parents too. I miss my sister/best friend. And she said I could come see her when ever I wanted. I need a break from here. And ppl need a break from me.

so will u be staying in mooresville threw out the school year? i dont think u should leave

If I am leaving I will leave at the end of the school year.

Why are you going there

My 2nd family is there. They said I could come when ever I needed a break from home. And I have had a lot going on lately. It's not just because of this shit in ask.

Stop calling Hannah Hun she didn't do it got it? I don't know why your blaming her but it's gonna stop. Okay? Okay. So stop starting drama that ain't true do you have proof she said it? I'd like to see it😂👏🏼 so you need to stop now.

I'm not. If it makes you happy I'm leaving this place.

who is the mooresville what's good

Idk. But I'm taking a break from mooresville hopefully. Cause I'm done with this shit. If it gets worse I'm leaving for sure. Make everyone's lives better.


Fuck you. I never thought dating Denny would be this big of a problem. I have liked him since 6th grade so all you jealous bitches can just leave. I'm done with all of you. I'm not going to break up with Denny because of some jealous bitches. I probably won't ever break up with him. Yeah shit happened between me and Hannah but that is none of your fucking business. And you can stop taking my information and using as yours. Your starting more drama than necessary. Please leave me Hannah Denny and all of our friends alone. We are seriously done. Stay in your own life and out of ours. I'm fucking done with this shit.

So you think this is hannah? It's not lol I just looks at her ask and look there you go again starting shit. She's asking you to stop so why don't you fucking stop

I did stop. She did too. Now it's your turn to stop.

Hannah hasn't started shit with you! Your the one who keeps bringing it back up! So stop lying, playing the innocent victim card, and grow some fucking balls.

Okay 1 I'm a chick I have boobs and a vagina. These anon ppl keep asking questions. I don't lie unless I have to. Ask me anything and I'll tell you the truth.
Liked by: Jordan Hughes :))

Obviously you do cause you told her she can't talk to him 😂😂😂 Hannah hasn't done shit and FYI you can always delete ask. OMG WTF WOW YOU CAN DELETE ASK???? I HAD NO CLUE!

I never told her that she couldn't talk to him. I seriously don't care who his friends are. I understand their friends and I don't care she can talk doing out with them I don't give a crap. Don't worry I have already deleted one ask because of this crap.

I swear to god if you fucking do shit to hannah I'll kick your fucking ass. She is innocent and your being a bitch to her for no fucking reason.

I never said I was going to do anything to Hannah. She's the one being a bitch to me you can just leave now.

No your the jealous one because hannah just wants to be his friend and not be HARASSED for it. You are being a little bitch about this and trust me I would just fucking ignore the questions and get over it. And just ask her NICELY tomorrow to show you her notifications. This is🍌I know this shit

I'm not jealous of Hannah. I seriously don't give a fuck if their friends. She's the one harassing me so you can just shut The fuck up. Don't think I haven't tried ignoring them. Every time I ignore them I get people saying "why annoying my questions pussy". So yeah I've tried everything.

I swear to god this is pretty little liars. I am watching a tv show. It's kinda fun/sad but it's so intense. The anons are just piling on. WHO WILL WIN THE ANONS OR YOU??? Dun dun Dunn. I NEED SOME FUCKING POPCORN!

Dude. Come over and you can watch it live. I got pop corn.
Liked by: Natalie Hanson

Oh my god! Hannah didn't do it! she sent you the proof it wasn't her! Your just jealous of hannah so you won't give the thought of her doing it up. Get the fuck over it and maybe you'll actually figure out who it is. Your also over reacting to this whole situation so calm the fuck down.

Why the fuck would I be jealous of Hannah. Hannah is the one jealous of me. OK sure I'm overreacting about this. I bet youyou do the same thing I'm doing. Yeah and only to prove the last 20 minutes. How about the proof for me yesterday or the day before that or the day before that. She's hiding stuff so until she gives me the proof that it's not her that I'm gonna keep assuming her.

Well first you have to apologize to everyone you thought it was and you have to mean it and I'll give you a hint I am a person that you never thought it would be

Tell me then I show you my apology to people.

Yes I am the one that is asking these questions so you stop fucking blaming some one else (hint hint Hannah and anyone else you blamed) for what I did and if you got a problem with that will that's just too bad

Who are you

Tell Dennis what about Hannah she did not do it so STOP talking shit about her

Tell her to give me the proof she didn't do anything and then I will believe you. Because rn she is hiding things.


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