

Ask @laurenlouiseex

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Op on meghan

Meghan, she's one of my main girls, was my first friend to move and let me join her group ✌, she made me laugh so much that I cried, we went through rough times having to sit behind chelsie but we got through it together XD, I swear I don't regret becoming friends with her because without her I don't think id be a strong person like I am today, love her so much

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Op of Lora c

I don't know her that well but I think she's beautiful and so funny, she doesn't deserve all that hate

Op on sofia a

Sofia.. where do I start.. she's like a sister to me, I've never had any friend like her, she's so funny and she's probably the only friend that can say that her bedroom was messier than mine when my mum said 'I bet your room isn't this messy' We would stay up till 5am talking about our past and our future and how we would get a house together. She's still the best friend I've ever had, even with our ups and downs, my beautiful Sofia will always be my sister.

What do u think about chloe b

Beautiful, one of my close girls, so funny, best memories, don't regret becoming friends X
Liked by: Chloe

How does society brainwash the youth?

Yeh, girls mainly coz they have to be 'perfect' big boobs, big bum, skinny waist, dress well, pretty face etc.. which isn't perfect. That's a little boys definition of perfect and no girl deserves a little boy
Liked by: R'❤

I just see that about your brother being a LEGEND. he is, in science when he comes in. the class in fits xD

Lol ik hahaha.

What about when they say about how they used to live in Tottenham and stuff

Ive told my auntie about this and her words were 'them little white children would get slaughtered dressing how they dress and talking how they talk thinking they 'badman' an all this. They'd get killed if they even walked into edmonton without their parents or friends to protect them' I died looool.

What annoys you the most about people?

Probably that they're whit but they act 'black' saying stuff like 'wagwan' 'ting' 'bruv' especially when they throw around the word 'nigga' oh lord.

How often do you use your brain?

Well your brain makes your body move by sending messages to the body parts soooo all the time.


Language: English