
lauren Elizabeth Local

Ask @laurennn00113

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Kate hates you, and you hate her? Fakeee iPhone you got there

not fake tho its not like ur life so go find a real one mate

Your not even friends with Kate are you, she can't stand you at all

i cant stand her either works both ways but just using her as an example

I have had loads of iPhones and got the 6s now, and they have never went purple, you phone is fake, just admit it

aha well loads of my mates have went purple like kate berrimans went purple not dragin her into this like but is hers fake no is mine fake no

You can't break a phone if you drop it😂 it's a second hand one

ah shows how much u kbow about iphones drop then on the screen and it goes purple colour daft cunt

Your phone is broke already because it was from a pakie shop in Durham for £50glem 😂

aha noy tho seens as i droped it thats how its broke 😂😂

Why would you chuck 12 years of good memories and stuff, use were so close snd use did everything together ?

Cause I didn't it's got fuck all to do with u
Liked by: Megss

Stop being a shitty arse and say it

Not really tho cause ur just a shit sturer and I cba with ur shit so 👋🏻👋🏻

Ha you think it's funny getting took home in a police car drunk, think you need to get some respect for yourself, making your self look like a horrible girl!!!!

Ha have plenty I respect kid right havin a shit day to begin with who the fuck are u to make even shitter cause I really can't be bothered I have more things goin on than u tryin to make me feel even worse than I already do


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