
lauryn knowles❤️

Ask @lauryn_knowles

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How are you gonna be the girls friend , and then like 2 days later talk shit about her with the girls who talk shit about you

more like how is she gonna sit here and talk shit about people to me and invite them to sleepover when she had no one.

What was the argument about tho? And why did Hailey care?

why dont you ask hailey why she cared, lmfao. shes a dramatic ass bitch. dont worry about my lifeee.
Liked by: kdoggg

What happened with the bathing suit thing?

olivia wore it, and hailey started freaking out. so we went to the park to give it to her but hailey never came to the car and got it so thats her problem.
Liked by: kdoggg

Well If you knew she was talking shit about you , why tf were you still hanging out with her ? I swear all you 9th graders are childish as hell.

lol it we are so childish then why arent you leaving a name?

lol anon you don't know shit. that baiting suit is practically mine because I took hailey on the trip she bought it on & paid for her ticket to Halloween horror nights when she didn't even go because her pussy ass went back to the hotel alone because she was scared. & she owes me 150$ for not going.



then hailey should have got it 2 weeks ago when she was there. shut up and take yourself off anon
Liked by: kdoggg bri

No your petty af for daring olivia to wear that baiting suite. Like who tf does that? oh yeah... you do.

yeah, i told her to because she has a bigger ass and would look better in it anyways. ✊
Liked by: kdoggg

you are honestly the most immature one, because hailey is your best friend not olivia and them. like how are you just gonna leave your bestfriend for some hoes that do nothing but talk shit about you.

olivia and haley were/are my bestfriends before i even met hailey. haileys petty af. she sits there and talks so much shit about me, well i mean thats what karli said.
Liked by: kdoggg


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