
Leah Smith

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Ops on libby saying she's happy Ashleigh's brother got abused😶😶😶

What wrongen has the thing of even writing this?are you okay?ew. Who do you think you are. Nbf whoever this is pop up rn nej. Libby isn't like that and considering you've now put this on social media, and your mates w/Ashleigh your in the wrong! If your gonna do something like this don't be shy and hide behind a screen. Sicko!!!

ops on george and ellie ?

Nbf. I think there a cute couple and considering Ellie keeps being called a pedo is out of order. Nobody has a say in there relationship and only they do, and if they think it's right leave them be...

Would you say Niamh has the biggest tits in year 8

This is obvs someone in our yearr☝🏽️😂😂😂

Even if they weren't dicks I'm sure no girl would sleep with a boy we are bit young love x

Ha I thought you meant year 8 in lata life loollll

Wouldn't it be sick to have a load of year8s on their own "Love Island"?????

Erm. No because all the boys are dicks and I don't think the girls would have the courtesy to sleep with em🖕🏽🙄✨

Three closest year nine girls and three closest year ten girls

Year 9-becky,jade,leah&charlie.
Year 10-Molly,Ellie,Sacha.

Is it just me or is it that whenever you hug Abigail mAlkinson she smells really strong it's like curry or some sort of spice she needs to wash

Omg who is this? Funny cunts😂🖕🏽

Fam Lily wards gav gon be shit u know, should b SMS only,u get meeee?

Take it up w/her. She told loads they could come but nahhh😂

My friend when out with the boy I liked and she knew I liked him what do I do?

Fick her off out of your life. She's not worth it nor is the boy.


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