
davison ledford

Ask @ledford__

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If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

June 3rd, 1953. Ozark maintains.

Well how is bri like? What did you like most about her. You two were supposed to be the PowerCouple

ask her what shes like

Do you still love her? Or did you love her? -I'm sorry I'm asking a lot. I just don't wanna judge her like others do. How is she like?

whats love?¿

Do u miss her? As in what y'all had and How close u two were? Having her there for u because she seems like she's there for a lot of people and will stand up for someone fast.

yeahh. sorta

I think you're really cute and u seem like a hell of a good time but that's weird to say that on here so I'm anon



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