

Ask @leesha_h13

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Make the most of your life. You probably won't ever hear from me again. Be a good person?

Don't tell me how to live my life.
Liked by: Gabby

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Ever been in a relationship?

Not a real relationship, things have happened but never one that I actually believed in and was confident about or regretted.

Leesha is FAR from a 4.. anon, you must be like a -5 or really low on self confidence and self esteem to be hiding behind a computer screen making fun of of how someone looks. You're just jealous Leesha has a life ahead of her and you'll be a SF loser forever (y)

Thanks, to be hones their comment about me didn't bring me down, or make me see less of myself. I know I have a lot going for me, and how I look doesn't matter to me. If I want to go to school in sweatpants and a baggy sweater then I will, or if I want to wear a nice outfit and so my hair I will and I don't care what anybody thinks. The only opinion that matters is my own in the end, and stupid anon comments that are negative aren't going to bring me down.
Liked by: Liz F

Yeah leesha that anon can go shove it because your hot af and body goals and smart and funny and just great there just jealous pussies❤️


Fuck off anon leesha is gorgeous and fucking smart so make like a tree and fuck off

What's make like a tree supposed to mean?

If you had to rate yourself on prettiness on a scale of 1-10 what would it be?

Honestly depends on the day. 8, 6, or 4. Depending on the day and my mood.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

Why me, or I hate my life. But not always in the negative context.

Yeah I would approach but I'm scared cause I see you give me dirty looks sometimes:/

Oh.. I give like everybody dirty looks, don't take it personal.

Tbh your my best friend, and the best cousin your my other half and we have the best times together and to look back on everything we do together always makes me laugh and smile your the closest thing I have to a sister and you've been with me every step of the way

awe love you ❤️❤️

K I've liked you for a really long time and you probably don't notice me ever but we don't talk but I still like you you seem very nice fun to be around and your drop dead gorgeous and I just really wanted to tell you how I feel even though I'm to shy to come off Anon

Awe thanks (: you don't need to be shy, I'm pretty easy going.

Hope everything's okay, you don't deserve anymore bad things to happen you truly are a person :) wishing you all the best for the holidays ~ an old friend

Liked by: Alixz

Something you've learned in 2015 since the gears almost done

That even though it gets better, there's days when it seems like it hasn't.
Liked by: Alixz

Would u forgive her. Or is it a major thang

Nope. I don't need to. There comes a point in time when you have to stop giving chances.

What happened 2 u and the blonde girl u hung out with a lot last year

Long story short she's not in my life anymore and I have a group of new people that make me feel good about myself

Do u miss anyone?

Nope, my life is pretty great with the people I have in it now. I've gotten closer with people that I needed to, and made so many new, respectful friends.

What do you look for in a relationship

-long hugs from behind (and in front)
-lots of kisses
-the relationship not moving too fast
-not misusing the word love, or just throwing it around.. Use it when your mean it
-cute dates (they don't have to be expensive)
-Netflix days
-not getting hurt in the end..
-there for me
-holding hands
-not to clingy


Language: English