

Ask @legionseeker1940

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Alguien me hackeó y anda preguntando cosas que no )): Cómo borro las preguntas que hizo?? Ayudaaaa:c

MichelleVelaTorres’s Profile PhotoMichelle ❤✨
No se puede solo sí van contra las reglas de aquí se borran

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Di la verdad,te has encontrado dinero en la calle y los has regresado? 🤭

Snowwlin109’s Profile Photo♡ Lin ೀ
No cuando tenia 16 me encuentre un billete de $20 americanos. Cuando tenia 22 perdi uno de $50 americanos tambíen 🤦

Ai wey, eres pariente de @xoseph0112575? Hay mucho parecido!

No, no lo creo, ya veo por qué piensas eso 😂😂😂. Lo he visto antes. Responde las preguntas de una joven bien educada llamada Jessi. Es bueno ver que el es uno de los usuarios educados que son respetuosos con las mujeres y no otro idiotas babeantes.

What you put into this world you eventually get back 10 fold.

True if it isn't here it'll definitely be in the next life.

Has Gov. Gavin Newsom ever violated any laws that you know of ?

That I have heard of no, but do you think he'd get where he is by being nice and clean?

Do you know anyone who was mvrdered?

Yes I met him when I went to Mexico, he was killed in another part of Mexico and his head was cut off for sleeping with a cartel members wife. The guy who was behind it was found in a plastic bag cut up a year later.

Can i have your advice about date ages ? I'm 31 and i like girl who's 20 years old. Will it be creepy to ask her out ??

No not really I dated a 34 yo woman when I was 22. Just keep in mind since she's 20 she has a different mindset than you. She's most likely to want to be the center of your world and you might see it as childish at times.

You have just heard "The werewolf" Frances Trelles played young Herman, Vivian Chandler young played Marcella, Luis Casares played young Caesar. Alexander Carol played Krantz, Lewis Wright played Wilfred the evil spirit and Pilar Dilibrook was Christine the werewolf.

Is this an audio adaptation of The white wolf by Frederic Marriott? Where can I hear it?

Why do I keep getting weird questions about food on here

It's far better than the questions that make you think this was Jerry Springer

Why haven't you called your sister?

Lol what for. All she would do is bringing up that I gave my poor ex gf who needed it much more $6000 instead of giving it to her.

Hoy comiste recalentado otra vez? 😂

Sí, era parte de una cazuela grande de chile relleno que hice ayer y la guardé en el congelador. Todavía tengo suficiente para mañana y pasado.

Should I marry an person who lies to me and chooses he's friends over me and doesn't talk our relationship problems and doesn't want change for me

baleriag6004’s Profile Photospockylee
No. Itll only get worst, leave him for someone who values time with you that isn't just in the bed. You're not a bad looking woman my best wishes to you.

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hubby wanted to prove his loyalty to me with permanent reminder he's mine n show how much he loved me only, he tattooed my name on his 🤭 and says if this didn't show me his loyalty n love was mine only NOTHING WOULD! I thought it was the most romantic thing ever. Now I'm going to put his on mine💯♥

Aww take good care of him like how he should take good care of you. May you two spend the rest of your lives on earth together and even longer in the next

How to announce to world i am marrying woman of my dreams? We never met in real life but i saw her insta profile and am thinking of proposing to her online or showing up to her workplace and doing it there

That sounds like a great way to get a restraining order. Don't traumatize the woman.


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