
Lexi Brungart

Ask @lexi_brungart

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I don't see how you're dragging them down either? And if Caleigh and you are hanging out you didn't do anything. Stay strong g

I'm thankful you see my side in this, but really there's no need to drag it on any further. What is done is done, we can't change anything, caleigh and I will always be close. Us having other friends shouldn't and won't change that. But thank you.

Yeah poor Lexi! Geesh girl you are pretty much having your best friend being ripped apart from you! Don't tell me that doesn't hurt. Chloe even said they get along better without you

Can you tell me who you are, please

Arent Chloe and Abby best friends?

there's thing, and I'm sure they taught you it in like, school, and it's where a person has more than one friend.
No way José, I just said a person can have more than one friend? And it doesn't effect their other friendships?Whattttt? Yeah, it's called having multiple friendships. Get with the program.

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Are you mad about Chloe and Caleigh?

I'm ending this once and for all.
1) Caleigh and I have been best friends since we were little girls, we are BOTH allowed to have other friends. For instance, I have MacKenzie, Ashlynn, and Tinesha. Caleigh has Chloe. Just because we hangout with different people and like different things, doesn't mean we "hate" each other or aren't friends.
2) There is no drama, in any of this. I was invited to hangout with them the past 2 days, earlier this week. My parents didn't want me to go due to things in the past. It was not my decision. It's not like I was excluded. Therefore I have and had no reason to be mad, which I'm not upset at all.
3) Stop saying I am dragging them down, when I haven't done anything? I have been battling hate on this website since TUESDAY. Leave me alone. Because I don't care what you think, I am happy with my life. I am not "dragging" anyone down because what have I done? I've literally sat at home and watched Twaimz YouTube videos since Wednesday. Is there a law against it? I have had multiple family issues and school stress for 2 weeks now, so yes, I haven't been in the peachiest mood.
4) Caleigh and I are going to spook-haven tonight, so yeah, things are okay. They never weren't okay. We just began drifting, and that will probably happen many times this year, but Caleigh and I have a bond where we have been through hell and back that it won't be broken.
5) I don't have a problem with Chloe, I hung out with her at the last home football game for Penns Valley, so I obviously have nothing against her.

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Liked by: Miranda

y are you hanging out with caleigh if shes mean to you and always brings you down?

Because we have been friends for 2 years

You said school is stressing you out too?

Yeah like I'm doing fine, I just freak out when I have low A's.. Yeah I know that's pathetic, but that stuff gives me anxiety. Grades and homework give me a lot of anxiety and it's been bothering me all week

Yeah right. Drama never ends!

You're right it doesn't, but one day, it won't matter. I mean, none of it will EVER matter. So there's no point in it therefore I'm not gonna involve myself if there will be any in the future.

Yeah exactly at the "moment"

You can't predict the future, and neither can I, but I have a good feeling about a drama free year.

Last year. She started so much shit

Everyone had a hand in that, you can't point the blame at just one person. Last year was awful yeah, but at the moment there's no drama.

You're very welcome. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I understand. But keep your head high & remember to kill 'em all with kindness?

Elli Stamm
I will be sure to message you then, thank you. ?
Liked by: Elli Stamm

I don't know what you're going through, & I don't need to. Whatever it is, I hope you get past it because you don't deserve it. You were there for me when I had nobody to turn to. So now it's my turn. If you need somebody, you know my number. Just know that I'm here if you need someone. Stay strong.

Elli Stamm
Thank you Elli, that means a lot. ? I'll message you later tonight! Really, thank you so much.
Liked by: Elli Stamm

Lexi, don't be sad! You gotta cheer up! Your so pretty, and so loved by so so so so many people! Love you so much, and know that you will get through this, and there will be so much greater things at the end!

Was this intended to be on anon? Either way, thank you. ❤️

Why are you sad?

A bunch of stuff, family stuff, school related stuff, stress, friend issues, boy issues.. Everything.

Current mood?

I'm so awfully upset that I'm debating if I want to delete all social media I have. I haven't felt this sad in probably a year.

I'm glad you give people chances and dont judge them! Wish more girls would be like that! :)

Thank you. ❤️


I'm actually blessed to call her one of my best friends. We have had our fair share of disputes, but she is one of the most intellectual girls I have ever met. She uses experience and her life stories to comfort those in need, and truly she's an admirable person in general. She has always been there for me, and I couldn't be more thankful. When my world fell apart, she helped me pick up every last piece. There isn't many people left in the world like that anymore. A lot of people leave in your time of need. So that's why I love Mik. ❤️


Language: English