
lexi harmon

Ask @lexirhyann15

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Tbh.. We use to be close but your really pretty and sweet!! Love you!!

Caylee Beth Leachman
I wish this was a dream. I'm so thankful for the time i got with you no matter how short it was. Hope you and Tripp are having the most amazing time up there already! this is a see you soon, not a goodbye. I love you so much Caylee. I hope you enjoy your stay up there! We'll see you soon ❤️❤️

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do you think masturbation is a sin

lusting is a sin. and while you masturbate, you're most likely thinking of someone while you're doing it so you're lusting. but some people struggle with masturbation just as much as they do pornography, drugs, etc. just remember that God forgives. and if you're struggling with that, then just pray. this might not be the answer you were looking for; but, I'm praying for you.

Have you ever been in love?

It began in April of last year. God gave me the opportunity to make a public profession of His amazing love and I'm still living for Him and loving every moment of it. Even though, I do not have a boyfriend at the moment, God is writing my love story. So as long as I live I will be in love with God and wait for the one He has for me. :)

Opinion on suicide?

Okay... I honestly don't think you should do it. I'm not judging the ones that do do it because I have no right and I don't know what's going on in there life. I do think that God forgives them. God knows they are gonna do that. I don't think that you go to Hell for doing it. And I think He forgives them. I've had a friend commit suicide. And if you have the nerve to tell me he is in Hell for doing it, then you honestly have no heart. I know for a fact that he isn't in Hell. How can you look at the picture with the rainbow on the 15 yard line and think hmm, yeah he's in hell. Fly High Dee.

How do you feel about all of your friends dating niggers?

Why are we not seeing people like God sees them? We are all human, no matter what your skin color is. we all bleed red. I'm beyond sick of getting questions like these criticizing black people and people who date them. Before you send me anymore questions, please learn the difference between a nigger and a black person. your life must be pretty low that you have to be hateful to someone for their skin color.

30 facts about yourself.

Oh geez. Well.
1. My relationship with God is what's most important to me.
2. I have the world's greatest friends.
3. But I only trust like 4 of them.
4. My best friends are Ashlyn, Cal, and Cade Sprat.
5. I hate to disappoint people and it seems like I've done it a lot here lately.
6. My family is like my life.
7. Sometimes, I just start singing random songs. 8. I already have my tree up in my room.
9. My youth group is the best.
10. I'm FCA president.
11. I get hurt a lot because I trust too easily.
12. I now have trust issues.
13. Sometimes I worry that I'm over nice
14. I want to be a kindergarten teacher.
15. I love working with kids.
16. But my heart is really with Down syndrome children.
17. I don't know how I would've gotten through a certain problem without tabitha.
18. My life is amazing. But it has it's thorns.
19. I really should appreciate the things that I have more.
20. My puppy is my life
21. I have a group of guy friends (the wolfpack) who would gladly beat up anyone who hurt me.
22. I love summer but winter is my favorite
23. I don't even know why I'm in FFA.. I don't want to be a farmer
24. People like to bring me into their drama.
25. My favorite bible verse is Psalm 139:14
26: I'm so ready to be done with biology
27. Sometimes I think I should give up, but then I think. What if I'm what's helping others get through certain struggles?
28. I'm
29. Finally
30. Done

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your best friend is dating a nigger.. how does that make you feel?:)):)):)):))

if she's happy, I'm happy. that "nigger" treats her great and that's all that matters to me. I mean being that it's 2014, I felt like people would actually quit criticizing someone so much for their skin color. also, there's a difference between a black guy and a nigger. that's all I'm saying. and also my post the other day was deleted.


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