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Omg omg what happened

So he kissed me..
I didn't stop it felt right but it's weird I mean he's way better than me he's in a higher league and he's kissing me omg
Jayden:ur fit uknoe this is why I always holla at u
Me: *i was speechless*.... Really but isn't ellie better I mean she likes u
*knock at the door*
Jayden:shit it's everyone
I open the door to surprised faces it was actually funny how they wasn't expecting me
Seth:why u here ghee
Me:it's my house dickhead
Seth:ok ok calm down
I see Jayden's girlfriend Chantelle oh shit I still can't believe we kissed just play it cool
Chantelle:u better not be doing anything wid my man uknoe wid all of dos coming to ur house for a party shit *kmt*
Me:Jayden come after me ur on one ain't ya
Chantelle:yeah true why would he go out wid a gayl like u
She walks off not knowing he does want to go out wid a girl like me rahhh it's hard to hide this shit what am I gonna tell ellie
I here shouting coming from my room upstairs..I go up there and it's Chantelle and Jayden they are arguing
Jayden: I'm just in here inih fham why u getting so hyped up about it fham jam ur hype bruv
Chantelle looks at me and goes for a swing I dodged the shit straight
Chantelle:ur doing a ring wid my man Inih u fucking bitch
Me: dead no I'm not
Jayden:see what are u thinking fham
Chantelle:stfu Jayden I'm not dumb
Me: well u must be mate
All of a sudden we are fighting there's one man tryin to pull me Jayden trying to pull Chantelle like I was ready to kick the shit out of here uknoe she was bare getting up in my face and shit trying to swing for me *kmt*
Jayden gets everyone out of the house
Jayden:oiiiii everyone out the party's over
He picks me up and starts talking to me wid his soft voice
Jayden:I'm so sorry babe
Me:it's calm inih dw
Jayden gets a cold pack and puts it over my eye
Jayden:u alright babe
Me:yeah I'm fine she's just a bitch
Next thing leads to another we're in bed yep in bed having sex he puts in his condom and takes my virginity.........

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Ok so I let him use my house and what
Me:yeah u can use it
Jayden:he's safe gg *hugs me*
Shit wtf have I done my iPhone beeps it's a BC on bbm it's Jayden saying that the party is at mine ffs
Ellie comes over to stay for the night
She won't stop talking about Jayden
Ellie:omg Jayden is having a party at its your so lucky
She's hella hating me like rahhh she won't stop
Me:well nah not really cuh my house is gonna be in a mes still
Ellie: so what it's Jayden
I decide to tell her that I'm ginango sleep now cuh she's hella jarring me now
*alarm goes off*
I'm getting ready for school and there's someone banging on my door at fucking 7:30 what is this please kmt
It's some bloke chatting to me about God and shit I just shit the door in his face its to early for this shit
Me and ellie walk through the school gates to see Alice she comes running up to us
Alice:omg I can't believe u are letting Jayden use your house for his party today
Neither can u tbh
Me: yeah I know *bell goes for first period*
It's science I hate science it's full of these dumb shits the works to easy but I guess this is what I get for setting a girls hair alight (yeah I'm not all goodie to shoes uknoe)
It's lunch now and Jayden is walking up to us
Jayden: safe for letting me use ur house yeah I'm gonna be there around 6:30
The party don't start till like 9 but need to organise the house Inih
Me: yeah ok what ever
He walks up to his mates and ellie starts chatting......again
Alice: OMFG Ellie will you stop talking about him your actually pissing me off now it's not everyday uknoe
Oh shit I can't believe Alice has just snapped like that
Ellie ends up walking off crying and I give Alice that look
I couldn't find ellie anywhere aperently she went home cuh she's ill but anyway I'm going home now on my own cuh of Alice
*knock at the door* it's Jayden
Jayden:yo I'm here now
Me:iyte Come in
Jayden:so I have seen u have moved all of the stuff around then for me
Me:yeah I had nuttin to do so yeah
It's kinda awkward for a sec then he asks to come into my room I take him there to see what he does
HE KISSED ME........

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Liked by: Kieron✌


Ok ok sorry I've been away
Ok so I've opened the door to Jayden and he just walks in
Jayden:yo b
Since when was I b anyways I go wid it but why tf is he here
Me:err hi why are u here exactly??
Jayden: I need a favour
Now this is probably gonna be some next level shit
Jayden: yeah as ur mums away can I use your house for a party tomorrow?
What tf is this boy on he's wants to use my house for a party nahhh mate
Me: a part are you fr u want to use my house for one of ur mad party's
Jayden: yeah its cause my mum was meant to be going out tomorrow but she ain't now and I've told everyone I'm having this mad party Inih so it's a bit to late to cancel it now Inih g
Should I let him I dunno.....

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Liked by: Bitch Kieron✌

Next chapter

Chapter2//-------- Alice So I've walked into school today and I've seen that Jayden is back great no more piece around here anymore I see my alex and ellie across the playground and they wave at me so I run up to them... Alex: heyy Alice did u revise for the English exam?? Me: oh shit I totally forgot Ellie: oh well that's just peak I don't know why she's starting to talk like she's a road man but anyway *jayden is walking up to me* Wtf does he want?? Jayden: Yoo have u got any money?? Me: No Jayden: why u lying for man just gimme a pound fham Me: does it look like I have a pound am I your walking bank? Jayden: ok Calm down jheez He goes up to ellie knowing that she will give him money as she likes him she ain't got a clue that he's using her Jayden: Yoo ellie have u got a pound Ellie: *sweetly* yeah I have actually *hands over the pound* Jayden: safee the bell rings and we are all walking into English Alex: is your mum getting better?? Me: well she's doing well I guess We end up walking to our classes and we had a supply for English. FFS this class is gonna go mad *Jayden throws a book at the teacher* Everything goes silent as we all just r stand there looking at sir Supply teacher: WHOOO THREW THAT BOOKK!!! No one snakes on him and we end up getting a detention. Finished my detention I go to Ellie's after school for a bit and I get home late There is no one home so I guess I was lucky a house all to my self. *knock on the door* It's Jayden what is he doing here?? ......

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First chapter?

Ok.... Jayden Chapter 1 *enters school gates* so mans walking into school after a 1 week exclusion for fucking up a year 11 (negl that was funny) but I see my main ones leone, Seth, Jason, and kiall. *leone sees me* Leone: woii and he's finally here Seth: what's gwanin jayden Me: iyte lads so what's been happening. Whilst I've been away has kiall pulled yet after ending it wid his deadting Sarah ??? Kiall: oii shut up man So now where just standing there talking and then the fucking bitch that excluded me walks up and starts chatting to me if we are friends TF? Ms Wilcoxs: so have u learnt your lesson Jayden not to be messing with people that's older than you?? Is this bitch for real nah fham I wanna deck her right here but can't I it so I just play it cool Me: yeah I have miss Ms Wilcox: good I will see you in English yeah *walks off* Seth: *mimicking me* yes miss *they all start laughing* Me: u man can all laugh but I didn't see you backing he ting when I was beefing him kmt?.......

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Language: English