
Lily Wutzke

Ask @lilyynicolee

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Doesn't Olivia post pictures with edits like that? Y u copy

1) i didnt "copy" i just wanted to make my pictures more interesting? its not like i used the same background or anything.
2) hi olivia.

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i heard that you & greg hung out last night.

well i saw him & talked to him but i wouldn't say it's hanging out..

everybody knows you guys will date again

okay no we aren't going to, im pretty sure he's ha enough of me & i've had enough of him,

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

i'd wanna be like tan like REALLY tan

Uhhhh lily you will never guess who this is!¡ lol maybe... But you're a butt jkjk I will see you at school tomorrow☀️♉️

?? no ideaaa


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