
Lindsey.♡ ∞

Ask @lindseeey01

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What makes you nervous?

something big, bigs crowds, center of attention, first time things, dates, going over to someone's house for the first time. scary roller coasters.

What are some things that make you really happy?

sweet things that boys say.(: or when people make my day or someone does something stupid.

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

Mediumish. Depends on the person tho.

okay. whoever is sitting here talking down to linds is pathetic. lol, you're not cute. get off anon. grow some. why would she lie about what steven is saying? i seen the text messages, its true. you're fake. leave her alone, you're perfect. you deserve so much more. i love you gorgeous.<3

lilbloom’s Profile Photobrooke bloom
thanks bby.<3
Liked by: brooke bloom

What can spoil your day?

Judgements, people telling bad news. Or finding out a guy you like doesn't like you back!
Liked by: anna.

Why do people always say they have stronger feelings for the person they lost their virginity to? I get annoyed and pissed off when I see mine.

I guess it just depends if you really loved them your feelings would still be there
Liked by: Christa Love anna.

Your absolutely beautiful. Skinny Bigger doesn't matter what matters is the heart. Your sweet and nice on the inside and out ! Steven doesn't deserve you if he think that your gonna come crawling back he's mistaken I know there's one guy who in his eyes sees your true beauty. You don't need him.

awww,who's this?(': and who's that guy?(;


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