

Ask @linelenaherrera

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hEY !! how was today? are you having exams right now/ soon? hope your preparation for it is coming along well and if not, jiayou + press on !! you can overcome all odds, have faith in yourself💖💖 i believe in you. dont stress yourself too much and TAKE CARE! okay? go revise now and rest early😉😉

Today wasnt such a gd day :-( but thankyou !
Liked by: Ibnu Hairie

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?


HELLO! how are you today? how do you feel? here's something: H.O.P.E. it stands for Hold On Pain Ends! don't give up, even when you feel lost keep striving for more and keep going. you'll be alright! i'm here to listen if you ever need me, ok? ⛅️ ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Thankyouu !! 💓💟
Liked by: cxan.lel

are u scared/nervous? when u went for operation?

scared and anxious coz i didnt know what to expect ( if the surgery would be succesful or not ) ( who r u btw 😅 )
Liked by: cxan.lel syawal

hello !! hope today was a fantastic day for you and if you have exams nearing, jiayou !! all will be well if you put in the effort, study for yourself to get a good future. sleep early and take care !! 🍎

yup ystd was gr8 , thankyou :-) 💘💫
Liked by: syawal

note// heyy elena! we dont really talk nowadays but you veryyy prettyyy and qt! 😍😍😍🔥🔥its really nice meeting you 😊good luck in ur studies! have a nice day ahead! ☺💓 see u arounddd 😉

ya we dont talk nowadays ( we shud 😉 ) thankyou !!! bty 😻💫✨ !

hi !!! how was today, was it happy!! tell me something that cheered you up today and made life better ( ◞・౪・)◞ remember you're worth so much to so many people around you. have a gr8 night friend!!

today morning i went rockclimbing which was a gr8 kickstart for the day andd then i went to my cousin's wedding which was happening af and it was exciting 😽💘 u too m8 💫✨
Liked by: syawal

hellohello im so sorry this is late again (for yesterday) 😨😭. i just finished my work again. but i hope you're sleeping soundly right now and having a great dream 💕 tell me your plans for today when you wake up, ok? i hope you will have a gr8 one ahead !! 💯⛅️ PUT YOUR BEAUTIFUL SMILE ON.

its okayy !! and my plans for today is hang around with my friends and maybe go rockclimbing !! ✨
Liked by: syawal

(likers get 2 likes and a note.) hey(: tell me about your favourite memory that makes you so so so happy. Treat yourself and turn in early tonight!

a bday bash frm my clique😌 ( sadly we r not friends anymore :( )
Liked by: syawal

hello you beautiful homosapien! (: how are things for you today? here's a quote: Life goes on. i know, it's just 3 words but they mean a lot. whatever you're facing now will pass and bad days are only 24 hours! keep going and fighting okay? you can always talk to me if you need someone to listen! 💘

today was gr8 , couldnt be better 😌 thankyouu 💓
Liked by: syawal x

hi you!!! how was today for you!!! i hope it went okays and you're feeling alright and ready for bed. reminder to treat urself well and to love urself! you're irreplaceable. take a walk if you need to and look around you! be happy with the simple and small actions and things! goodnight! 🚶🏻🚶🏼💞

thankyou !!
Liked by: syawal x

i broke up with my boyfriend because i thought he was cheating on me with my bestfriend but actually he was planning to surprise me and needed to know what i liked, now i lost both my bestfriend and boyfriend. help me ):

im not the best person to get advices frm but okay .. ; there's rlly nothing other than apologising and realising your mistake , which is overthinking , stop it , bc bc of overthinking you didnt just lose your boyfriend you also lost your bestfriend .. never think about what you could've done in that situation bc now it is the past , all you can do is wait for your (ex)bf n (ex)bestfr to forgive you , thats if they want . if they dont then thrs rlly nothing you can do except for realising the mistake and not repeat the mistake in times to come .. and yea thrs other guys out thr thats waiting for you too :))
hope this helped x ☺ :))


Language: English