

Ask @livgirling6

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Why Scotland getting Spain type weather when they said it was meant to be snowing lol?

Global warming

Is it right to get intimate with my ex's friend after break up?

It’s not right but do whatever you like

So I went in the shower got out the shower and come out and loads of spots on my legs should I be worried?

Maybe but I’m no Dr

What to do to have better mental health?

eat clean work out & have good friends/family network

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel bothered by people who don't use correct punctuation and spelling? If you're so ignorant and dim-witted, perhaps you should consider returning to school.

Exactly this!

Should religion effect the law? Like should religious laws effect the national laws?

Absolutely not no. Religion is for the weak minded people who need something to believe in

Did you know in the UK an average person spends 10k on Meal deals in their life time

I didn’t not know that thanks for the info

In your opinion, what is the difference between kids now and kids 20 years ago and more when we're kids 👶?

Ya_7abibi’s Profile PhotoDiaa
They all dumb tech zombies

Do people over 30 still party or have you all become boring oldfarts

They still party I reckon

Would you rather tell loads of truths about yourself or loads of lies?

Loads of liesssss duh why not cos funny


Language: English