
Livia ✨

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How did you meet Fran??

Well where do I start ... I was coming back from work one night, it was raining and I saw her walking, she was all wet, cold and had no shoes (I was driving btw) I stopped and asked her if she wanted a ride and she said yes then I asked her where she lives and she said that she got kicked out of her house 😨😪 I took her to my place and gave her clothes. A couple of months later she moved in into my house ☺️. She then came up with this crazy as idea that she wanted to work for me like wtttfffff, I didn't wanna argue with her so I said yes. She was my prospect for 5 months 😁 and now she's a prostitute and I'm her pimp. The end 😊😊👍
Jks I met her through facebook 😂


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