
"Cupcake Cutie"

Latest answers from "Cupcake Cutie"

How does bondage set you free?~

It gives me an inner freedom. I have a deep fantasy of being a doll (many know). Bondage and restraint adds to that sense of objectifcation and possession. It's sensual and almost a required part of arousing me~

Why is there not footage of that! Uugh! Okay, and the filthiest you ever got? And you know me and what I mean by filthy...

Emma P
That one is a private story and is pretty awkward. I'd rather not put that one up.

The Monroe would look good with a nice latex dress on top! Okay, next question: What's the messiest you've ever gotten?

Emma P
Two years ago I was given... shall we say, a dirty gift from a close friend. I got a messy treatment at home with all the zeal and excess you'd expect from a WAM video on the internet. Pies, sauces, pudding, frosting, batter... augh... That was a fun night :3

I've just dipped you in liquid plastic and made sure it covers your entire body, soon to harden to a thick, solid layer of pure, unmoving plastic (don't worry, it will leave your hair so I can brush it later). Question is, what pose do you make before it hardens?

Emma P
Either with one hand between my legs and the other squeezing a boob... or~! The Marilyn Monroe. Depends on my mood~ X3

How do you feel when somebody decides to pull out a dildo, fleshlight, or some other instead of using you? What do you think when they use them in front of you?

Dolls don't worry about those things~ I'm pretty much like any other choice on the shelf!

Who made you? Are there more dolls than you?

I was privately designed, with features suggested from various sources. I do come off an assembly line, so to speak, so there are quite a few dolls like me, each one customized to its prospective owner.

What's some hard to find porn that you really like?

I love the stuff made by Cocoa Soft and by House of Gord. I like House of Slime and a few messy sites~

Is it ethical to eat meat?

Human ethics are fluid; some feel it's not right to eat meat. Other animals eat meat; some don't. I suppose it depends on the nature of the beast. I don't have any ethical issues with eating meat.

What's a doll's favorite food?~

Those rubber hamburgers with the squeak toys inside aren't half bad.

What do you think about a Poison Ivy/Batgirl scene? I'm Ivy~<3 Mummy <3

The characters sound fun~ and Batgirl's costume is either naughty or easy to make naughty~

Language: English