

Pinterest: What topics do you use the Internet to look at/keep yourself updated on? Bonus question: If you have/had a Pinterest account, how many boards do you have on there, and which has the most amount of pins?

I keep myself updated with lots of things online:
- Events happening in the dog world
- Events happening in the equine world
- Changes in animal laws
- Rescue centers
- BSL cases
- My favourite youtubers
- General news as I don't watch it or read newspapers
- latest animes
- Just generally what's going on in my friends and families life.
I don't have an account but I have used pintrest in the past.

Latest answers from Tally

What are you plans for the Summer holidays?

I honestly don't have any this year other than going to a festival and then that's it :p I'll properly spend most of it studying as I have a lot of science modules next year and haven't done anything similar for over a year :/

Do you prefer horses or ponies?

I much prefer horses because of the more chilled out and goofy temperament they have. Don't get me wrong I also love ponies but I just prefer horses and with the exception of cobby cobs I can't ride ponies without looking stupid because I am a tall person with very long legs :p

Favourite lyrics from a song? Why are they your favourite?

"reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there" - real world by owl city. I love it because all my life I have had a short attention span so often day dream so it reminds me of that :)

If you were in a band, what instrument would you play?

Bass guitar :) I love Bass instruments so much and I find that music easyer to read over treble :)

What is your favourite music video?

To the sky - owl city :D it's just a cute music video with clips from one of my favourite films

Favourite piece of clothing?

At the moment it is my Harry Hall hoodie as it is so adorable or my new jods I got for my birthday as they are so comfy

Would you rather be insane in a functional society, or one of the people running a profoundly dysfunctional society? (Think George Orwell, 1984!)

Insane in a functional one. I am not a natural leader so no matter how messed up the group is I still would back away from leading when I can, all though I have been told that I am a good leader when I have to be :D

Weather inspired spam! Rainbow: Has anything happened to you recently that took a U-turn from bad to good?

Yes! I messed up supper bad a few months back and it shook my confidence so badly but now I'm happier and more confident than I have ever been in my whole life :)

Ratatouille: Has anyone ever taken credit for one of your accomplishments? If yes, what was it?

kind of. When I was doing a project a few years back I was coming up with ideas for what I could do. They took my idea but asked before hand and won the competition with it :p So it's kind of not the same but not miles away

Language: English