

Ask @logan2588

Do you like sparkling or still water?

Both. Sparkling makes me think of pop I used to drink. And it's good with goose

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What makes someone powerful?

Charisma, Valiant, Pious acts of charity, Intelligence, Ideology, Money, and
The barrel of a gun

Whsts in her cheeks ur dick lets see her banging body or are her dick slirping skilld all dhe has. Practice mskes perfect. Sure shes had tons!

Cant understand the language, don't speak jealously. Sry
Whsts in her cheeks ur dick lets see her banging body or are her dick slirping

Have you ever sucked a dick. Most gays are chubby chasers.

Nope never sucked a dick but my gf does all the time, especially before work. She's the best

I think yourpure eviil sometimes but i know your heart and i will always love you for your heart because your actions reflect otherwise

Not sure I understand the question

Would you rather be able to visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future.

100 years in the future. I couldn't imagine life without a smartphone. Or snapchat haha

Is that when you feel like your significant other wouldnt betray you in any way or lie cheat and hurt. Oh yeah that went out thw door quicker than you

Hah I never cheated

Glad you dont have to keep pretending.it must of been hard for you all that time.

I did at one point but then the trust was gone

If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

Be at the lake on my boat with friends. Boozin it up and getting a tan

What do you think are the world’s three greatest cities?

Kyoto, Japan
Charleston, South Carolina
& the best of them all

Do you think Christian high schools should be able to paddle students for being gay?

No. If you're gay then be gay. Why let other people determine how you feel? Don't give them that satisfaction

First three songs in your favorite playlist?

Lil Wayne - green and yellow
Tailor something - all about the bass
Georgia florida line - dirt


Language: English