
Lord Forte

You say that syndra's issue is dealing with tanks, but what midlane champion can melt tanks in your opinion?

Off the top of my head, AP's that can deal with tanks would be: Viktor, Azir, Cassiopeia, Brand, Vladimir, Karthus, Anivia, Orianna, Ryze.
These are all reliably capable, in one way or another, of killing tanks without expending their primary power on the battlefield. Chief among these, I'd probably say Azir, Cassiopeia, and Ryze are the best suited for pure DPS meltdown. The others are either respectable DPS, or exert so much capability that tanks have difficulty interfering with them.

Latest answers from Lord Forte

have u done any art latly

No, nothing really for general publishing. I try to practice writing to specific goals or challenges, but I've not been taken with a compelling idea in a while.

hey lordforte... to your knowledge what non-tank midlane/toplane champions counter tanks, ty for your answer....

Uhh, off the top of my head:
Midlane: Cassiopeia, Anivia, Brand(?), Ryze, Viktor, Gangplank, Vel'koz(?), Yasuo, Vladimir
Toplane: Darius, Yasuo, Gangplank, Jax, Fiora(!), Olaf, Vladimir(?)
Those come to mind as possessing the necessary DPS/kite options to consistently tear down tanks. Other picks can do it if they 'get ahead', but kind of fall off in mid-late game. The ? marks are ones that 'should', but may not, as I don't actively recall how they're doing these days.
Fiora is notably the best kind of anti-tank pick in top lane you can do, though keep in mind she's very fragile to use.
Hope that helps~

Hey! Have you seen the new patch? what is your opinion on Syndra ... Is she going to maximise e second or still w?

Yup, been playing on it. Very pleased with the changes so far; it brought back Syndra's original playstyle in the mid/late game, while enhancing it. The R nerf was no where near as painful as I imagined, but I've felt it occasionally in the early game.
I suspect Syndra will still max W second, as that is her optimal 'DPS path'. However, E second max playstyle is now no longer overbearingly punished for NOT going W, so there will be situations its good to pick in. To sum up a lot of potential conversation: DPS vs sniper safety, so W or E respectively.
In fact, compared to it's past self, the E route is slightly buffed (the +0.1 AP ratio and -2s CD) but ratios care about items, not levels, so ...

Hi, First of all I'm spanish so sorry about my english. I have been playing LoL for 3 months. I have played all the roles and I main mid, with Orianna actually. I just want to know if I should "save money" to buy Syndra, I think I'm really skilled, but I wanna know if she is "interesting" to play.

TSMJaqen’s Profile PhotoJaqen H'ghar
Hello! Your English is good from what I see.
Since you've played Orianna, you'll be familiar with half of what Syndra does. They both like to control the area around them; Orianna works with her ball, Syndra works with Dark Spheres. They become quite different after that, though.
Syndra's area control builds into her tempo -- she builds up Dark Spheres, peaks at power, then crashes down as the Dark Spheres die. If you manage her tempo correctly, you can effectively use her Burst ultimate to kill a target. Managing this tempo is a main part of playing her, and her area control is very important in setting that up.
Unlike Orianna, Syndra is very fragile, and is a demanding champion to use. She only has one safety feature--her stun combo--and if that fails, she literally only has damage left, and not a lot of health or defenses. As a consequence, Syndra is quite punishing to play. She demands a good awareness of her strengths and weaknesses, and playing her successfully or not shows itself very quickly.
If you're looking for someone that's more damage oriented than Orianna, and has a steeper learning curve to how she works, you may like how Syndra operates.
I would say I find her quite interestingly to play, but I'm a little biased with the thousands of games I have on her ...

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Hey Forte, I was wondering what some good habits are to form and bad habits to avoid when playing Syndra, if I'm still fairly new to her. Thanks!

Hello there,
Hmm, good and bad habits.
1. Position in a safe, but useful area constantly.
You want to be in a position where you can maximize her damage, reach, and safety. You will constantly have to re-evaluate this, as this is an ever moving place. Mastery of this principle is make-or-break for a lot of Syndra players. Force the enemy to spend a lot of resources catching you, so that even if you do die, your team can punish them in return.
2. Mana management is critical.
Syndra has a lot of hidden mana costs in her kit. Her full 6 sphere rotation is around 400? mana, depending on your 2nd max skill. If you do not have that mana available, you cannot do her high damage ultimate - period. Always be conscious of why you're spending mana, and how much mana you have left. If you can't successfully do a full power combo, in most situations, it's time to leave.
3. Patience for the right moment.
Syndra works on her own time table, with her own conditions and concerns. If you can force a fight, it's because you synchronized the force attempt with her time table. If you hamfist a situation, you're going to be out of position, vulnerable, and probably dead in a few seconds. She has a rhythm to how she works, play with that, and force enemies to deal with her.
4. Never be afraid.
Risk is intrinsic to Syndra's kit. She is among the most fragile glass cannons in the game, so you need to have confidence in what you're doing. This is different from being reckless or pointlessly risky. It's knowing 'if I stun them, I can do X/Y/Z, with results A/B/C'. If you throw out spells without a concern on what the consequences will be, you're never going to have the confidence to follow them up. Syndra's opportunities are measured in split seconds, after minutes of preparation. Have the confidence to follow them up, or know why you're not (e.g, it's too dangerous, wait for the next window).
5. Timing is crucial.
Syndra works on her own time table, measured in the life timers of her spheres. She's stronger the more there are, weaker when there isn't. Know these life timers and your windows of power around them, because you can force when she's powerful, and be safe when she's not.
I think that covers the overall family of ideas. Bad habits are pretty much the opposite of what I say. Awful positioning, always out of mana, never having a plan for a combo execution, never following up what her own power can do, etcetra.
Syndra is a well oiled machine when put on her proper pace, so if she's feeling clunky or difficult, there's probably a bad habit in there somewhere.

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I've always been the intuitive kind of player and but I've never gotten higher than low to average diamond, but you're motivating me to take a more strategic approach with your explanations and thought to playing Syndra. What do you think is the better way to play?

Hello there,
Well, hm. I'm going to paint with a big brush, so bear with me.
The absolute mastery of warfare is the utilization of all resources, techniques, and methods with the knowledge and wisdom needed for a final victory. Those who fall into second place with this are the ones specialized in only a few masteries of some of the tools. This distinction can be difficult to discern, as it's often a difference as small as 0.01%.
The difference between LCS capable Challengers and Masters players, in other words.
Thus, I would not say either way is the better way to play. The objective is the destruction of the enemy Nexus. All other details are merely methods to obtaining this, each offering different terms and conditions at any given second.
Tremendous mechanical skill can be destroyed by strategy if one is not also fighting the enemy on that front. I learned this lesson intimately during my Halo and CoD years. At my age then, I was fully confident in demolishing anyone I ran into with mechanical skill, and I usually did. I almost always lost games, however, because I wasn't fighting the war--just the battles.
The enemy can give you all the worthless battles they can if it means they win the war.
In this light, intuition can give you your unique skill and perception, but you will need to learn to engage the strategy to truly maximize your capabilities. What kills to go for, then what towers to take. What threats to intimidate the enemy, or when to feign weakness. How to capitalize on advantage, when both ahead and behind. So on, so forth.
Look to all your own skills, knowledge, and methods for fighting. Try to find the strengths and weaknesses, because both are always there, and see how it can be applied. It can be strange to do, and even ethereally difficult with how such intangible roads are, but that's the fun of the challenge.

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Hey Forte! Could you give us an overview about Syndra's most-combo to push out an entire wave?

Hmm. This mostly depends on her abilities ranks and AP, really.
E->W+Q can punt an entire wave ontop of itself, letting you clear the whole thing in 1 rotation.
E->Q can kill the entire wave (minus the cannon) if you're very ahead in AP for that given time period.
Q+W is a safe way of clearing half, if not most of the wave, if the minions haven't moved much since they met one another. Not using E here means you can keep it defensively if an enemy is going to trade or gank.
W by itself can hit most, if not the whole wave, if you aim dead center. You can think Q or E the different parts as you need to finish it off.
Generally speaking, after the first 5~ minutes of gameplay, Syndra can clear an entire minion wave with one rotation of her abilities. Ranks and AP dictate if you need a third ability to do so, as two are usually enough if you're ahead.

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hey overlord, i usually take q at lvl 1 then w at lvl 2,when do you recommend taking w lvl 2 as compared to e lvl 2?

The thought process is usually: I don't need the stun, and I can use the slow to get more auto attack damage out, and if barring the second, I'd just use W's enhanced base damage.
Against LeBlanc, for instance, you need Q+E to trade with her, or she wins with her W.
Against Kassadin, W level 1 or 2 is fairly powerful because he has no mobility and no strong early trading tools. After his Q shield drops, slowing and autoing him is devastating to his lane pressure.
Against Fizz, it's 50/50. You can auto abuse him early but a clever Fizz can be dangerous with his troll pole jump.
The sum total of this decision is how you want to play out levels 1-3. At level 4, all the different starts synchronize to Rank 2 Q, Rank 1 W, Rank 1 E. Or, should, at least.

Hey Forte! What are your thoughts on W start on Syndra?

It is the most useful in situations where the Q+E stun combo isn't needed at level 2, and you aren't going to be using Rank 2 Q damage at level 3. In those same situations, you can capitalize on the added damage and slow to perhaps utilize Syndra's ranged auto attacks.
So, a good deal of Melee picks into her would be susceptible. Most have gap closers and the like, though, so auto attacking can be very risky to outright too dangerous. It's often to the point I simply find the Q+E stun combo more valuable to keep, even if it has a 10-15% lower amount of damage potential, it's much safer.
Worth experimenting on, I just very rarely find match ups I'm ever comfortable doing it in to capitalize on its advantages.

What are your thoughts on Syndra vs Kennen lane?

ElenaLeccardi’s Profile PhotoEllie
Quite manageable, if annoying. It's classically only a problem because of Abyssal Scepter, but that's having trouble versus the item more than Kennen himself.
You have to respect his ridiculous chain lightning auto combo, which lets him win any auto attack trade by default. It can make pre-level 5 stressful, but afterwards it comes down to his itemization. Syndra's E can completely ruin his initiations, even when he flashes in onto her, if your timings are spot on.

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