
Lorin Bailey Cantrell

Ask @lorincantrell

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If you had to fuck one guy in your school, who would it be

idk theres lots of hot guys in my school

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you and kate are literally the perfect bestfriends cause you're both absolutely gorgeous and sweet

awwww thank you so much! That's so sweet

You are gorgeous and people are just jealous lorin. I just wish you would understand how perfect you are in my eyes. And you are gods creation which makes you unique in your own way. You were put on this earth for a very good reason. Keep your head up and do not let anyone dull your sparkle. ilysm

OMG. thank you so much. you have no idea how much that means to me! ilysm 2 whoever you are

Why wont you be close again? Yall go to the same school. Dont be dramatic

Omg youre a fucking idiot hahahhahahahah. Close as in "best friends" dipshit hahaahahhahaahha.

What happened with kate

Nothing really we just started growing apart. I'm not goin to go into detail. She'll always be a good friend we just aren't ever goin to be close again.

Im aorry about what happened with you and kate she was a bitch anyways. Keep your head up giiirrrll

Shes not a bitch she had a reason to be mad. Dont talk shit on my ask.fm. But thanks i guess

You and Kate are the most annoying best friend couple I've ever seen. Y'all are always all over each other and holding hands and shit. I mean your obviously lesbians for each other. We disgusting

Lolololol Cool dood. I don't give a fuck

Hey someone keeps asking me if I'm obsessed with Connor too! It's probably the same person, but I don't know who it is.

Hahha. Yeaah

You didn't say he was cute you said he is perfection and that out of all the guys at our school you would fuck him lolol js. If you wouldn't make it public, people wouldn't question it. Blame yourself hahaha but ok bye (:


Hey why're you so obsessed with Connor

IM NOT FUCKING OBSESSED WITH CONNOR. if people would stay out of this god damn. I said he was cute and people blow it out of proportion. Fuck off omg and stop asking questions about him.
Liked by: Haley Nicole Capps


Language: English