

Latest answers from lottieemmajones

I'm aware of what you were trying to do, but by 'trying to prove that the stereotypes are wrong' you have only highlighted a stereotype that in fact not many people agree with nowadays.

Okay that's actually not true because for most of my life people have assumed that I'm dumb because I'm blonde and I'm not because I've done really well in life and go to an amazing school. So maybe I'm just stating the facts that I am smart and that I am blonde xx

Smart blonde? Do you realize that by saying that you have contradicted yourself?

I'm just trying to prove that the stereotypes are wrong, because if I just said I was blonde, loads of people would assume that I am dumb so I wanted to prove that I'm not xx

Do you prefer 1D or JB?xx

Umm OMG that's a hard question...but I have to go with JB coz I went to his concert and even though he was late it was amazing but I am super annoyed with him xx

Fav year 7?x

Idk who's in year 7...umm Emily...I mostly talk to year 8s and my own year, don't really talk to year 7s...xx

Language: English