
Anisha Noronha

Ask @loveinmylyrics7

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The first time I met you. Yea. I didn't know that was you ok. I didn't look. Not my fault.
Anyway. You're a nice guy. If I don't text you one day - ONE DAY - you don't let me hear the end of it?
You're nice. I like you. You're not fake. Don't change ok.
Liked by: Daniah shaikh

I so wish I could. But I cannot risk what we have. I so love you. I loved how you looked today in traditional. And the way you smile. And your humour. I love everything about you. Everything. And I feel miserable about not being able to untick.

No guy I go to for relationship advice saw me today. I only went to college. That's it. Untick already. I won't tell anyone :(
If ik you that well that I come to you for relationship advice, then you know that you can trust me enough to tell me who you are.

That is exactly the problem. With other people in your life you kept friendzoning me.I became the guy you approached for relationship advice.If you know what I am referring to. But what I need to ask you is. Will unticking lead you to consider us?

Untick first.
I have no idea who you are. So.
(MY FRIEND PLAYING A PRANK. I'm a loner. Guys don't like me ok)
Liked by: Daniah shaikh

Hi Anisha. Really like you. Will you date me? You have since so long considered me in such a different light that I am scared that unticking will ruin what we have. But its becoming difficult to stay with you knowing that it will never turn into something I will expect.

My friend playing a prank fosho.
Guys don't like me. I'm that best girl friend every guy has who gives them relationship advice. That's it.
Liked by: Daniah shaikh

Views on Keegan Po, Keegan Jactino and Keegan Blaze

Keegan Blaze/Po?
I've known this guy since December 2014. When I started talking to him, I was just this shy girl who didn't talk as much to anyone unless I knew them. I got closer to Keegan and began coming out of my shy shell. So, Keegan is a nice guy. Really. He may act like a bitch sometimes. But he's nice. Bitch is gonna be 18 tomorrow. Mera beta bada ho gaya
Keegan Jacinto?
Chotu. I've known you for 2 years almost. You found me really, really irritating. But in the past few weeks, we've gotten closer and eyeliner has helped. Chotu, you write really well. Like, I don't compliment people easily but yea. You do :')

The Keegan that matters more to you

This question is from one of the Keegan's. So, here's something that happens with me everytime.
Person- So, how's your friend?
Me- Who?
Person- Keegan.
Me- Which one?
Person- How many people named Keegan do you know?
Me- 2. Again, which one?
Person- The cute one.
Me- Really? Po or Jacinto?
Person- Idk any of them. I was talking about Keegan Blaze.
Me- (In my head) Po and Blaze are the same person.
Trust me, this has happened so many times that it's so irritating.
@keeganblaze @keegsjacinto

If someone liked you, how would you like them to tell you?

Someone likes me? •_•
Seriously tho, just tell me. That'll be one reason for me to not eat chocolates again. Omg.
I'm gonna be home this Sunday and binge-watch Channon Rose and Lilly Singh and Tyler Oakley and BuzzFeed. Or go to Kala Ghoda. Works either way.

thankyou ❤ ily

Candice Lobo⭐
Everyone knows who this is for, obviously. But even then. Whatever. Maybe someone out there can relate to this.
You know what, I regret nothing. Not a single thing. From the time we first spoke to each other, to the time we didn't even get to say goodbye - or maybe it's not a goodbye; idek. Every single fucking little thing that happened between us? I regret nothing. You made me love myself more. You made me see myself as more than just the fat kid. Well, this may sound funny to you, but you did. You gave me hope when everything was falling apart. You made me smile when I felt like things weren't going the way I wanted them to. You made me laugh more times than the times my cheeks were wet with tears because of you. All those little moments we shared? I regret nothing. Maybe things didn't end like we expected them to. Maybe things just went from bad to worse - from sour to bitter. But, everytime someone asks me if I regret it? That's all I tell them. I regret nothing. Nothing. -Anisha7✨

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