
Meagan Young

Ask @loveseverything124

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I miss you girl! We definitely need to have a sleepover during the summer or something. :)


Hey. I've been thinking lately how a lot of people and things in my life are changing, and I wanted to thank you for being one of the few people I can always count on <3

Who is this? I still wanna know! :(

im kinda hungry..whats a good snack to eat?

I like to eat a peanut butter and jelly sammich...
Some chips, or something. :)

Why are u sorry? Its my fault, u were busy and i kept bothering u

You didn't KEEP bothering me. Lol.
I said it rudely, that's why I'm apologizing.
You should come off of anon.

I dont know, who do you think it is?

My new best friend?
I don't know... BUT!
You should let me know... Cause you love me. Lol.

Well you are, and i cant tell you ;) it would ruin a secret lol. So dont let anyone tell you that you arent beautiful because you are

Thank you. <3
AW! You're such a sweetheart.
Do I know you though? :3

I was just wondering !! I saw that u stuck up for marissa amd thoughg that was nice of u amd u have the sams middle name as me !!

Is this her? :) Aww! Thank you. She's my little sister. :))
Liked by: ally cahill

If someone made a statue of you, what position would you choose?

I'd just stand up straight, and proper. And smile. :)

frst ppl to com to mind when i say the letters d r h and a, who are the people that come to mind for each letter

I hope you don't mind celebrities:
Donald Duck.
Ronald Reagan.
Hannah Montana.
Alexander Hamilton.
Liked by: ally cahill

If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

Past, The 50's. :)
It seemed like a really cute time... Poodle skirts, girls getting "pinned," Elvis.
I'd stay in Florida. :P

go to howl o scream tonight! get everyone! tonights the night where its the scariest and stuff!

Wish I would've seen this earlier. Lol.
Never been. I would've gone, but I don't have the money, nor do I have a ride. :/

top 10 9th grade girls that go to eastlake

I'm going to answer this question based on my idea of beauty:
(Not in order.)
1.Danica Roberson
2.Lauren Wakefield
3.Cassandra Wright
4.Haley Meehan
5.Julia Combs
6.Noemi Olah
I don't know what to put for the rest honestly. :P
Liked by: Cassandra Wright

What names do you want to give to your children?

Girls: Cassandra, Natalia, Belle, Magadalen, Amanda, Stephanie... Etc. :)
Boys: Tyler, Noah, Luke, Matthew, Elijah, Cameron, Tristan... Etc. :)
There's a lot of names I like. :)

Which is the best age to marry?

Well, really whenever you're ready I guess. When you're positive that that is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Whenever the two of you are both ready.
But, I want to get married around the age of 23-26
Liked by: Courtney Vijil

What sound annoys you the most?

When something is dragged. Like, when something metal is dragged on concrete... Such as a shovel and a sidewalk.UGH! It gives me chills too.

You are an amazing person. I know we don't talk that much, but you are an inspiration. You take your walk with Christ so seriously that it is very admirable!! I really look up to you. You are awesome and beautiful and Adam is a lucky guy I <3 you girl and im praying for ya!!! Keep living for Christ!

Oh my gooseness.. Who is this?! I wanna know! Sorry that this is so late of a reply. I love you too! :)
Thank you SOOOO much. <3
PLEASE tell me! If we don't talk, I wanna talk more with ya! :) <3
I'm glad people look up to me.

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