
Linda L Adams

Ask @lpadams

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What was the last YouTube video you saw?

this dwarf puffer fish eating snails
it had like 500,000 views I'm like what, this 3 cm puffer is more famous than like most of my super talented music friends and he's just like -eating dinner
yeeesh people

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Do you like to spend your free time alone or in company?

both : I love parties and people and energy and live music and stuff but also I like to just sit and pet my dog and be moody and disagreeable all by myself

What's a subject you wish you knew more about?

how to get Jimmy Page and Robert Plant to sit down & just talk with me for hours because that would be awesome

Which was the last good movie you watched?

Iron Man 3 or Star Trek Into Darkness I can't remember which I saw last or first oh and 42.
Yes it was 42 most recent. Watch it.

What question do you ask yourself a lot?

Ok disclaimer these are mostly not funny
why am I so weird
do other people think I'm as weird as I think I am
why can't I have fourteen cats what is so wrong with that
can I actually sing
will Bri following me ever click play on anything I sing *followed by 2-hr freak out nail biting session* and if so would he like it or hate it or just go "meh"
am I ever going to finish my 3rd book
why am I never satisfied with myself but content about other people
why didn't I make the bed
why is it so hard to just do the laundry and dishes and function like an ordinary human being
wait why do I even want to be an Ordinary Human boring as mud pssshhhhhh
still tho
Why am I even writing all this down ouch honesty
What food is there to eat
why did I forget to eat
if I keep forgetting to eat why am I fat
what's happening right now stay in the moment
will I ever not be tired with some body part in pain
did I feed my fish
did I feed my dog
did I feed my kids is my hubby having a good or bad day at work why is life so hard
Did I be "good enough" today
or am I feeling all "never good enough" again
Ugh ok that is enough for one post

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What magazines do you read?

Guitar World if someone I like is interviewed. Performing Songwriter was awesome but they folded.

What is the most played song in your music library?

There must only be like 100 of these random questions bc I answered this last week yeesh
guess what it's not Electric Avenue
you're welcome

Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

free & clear I like my conscience intact thx

What is your favorite activity?

Mmmmmm what can I say in public ugh
sharp objects
Nail polish
sorry what? I'm tired

Where would you bury your treasure if you had some?

in my heart. because the only things we take with us are memories, knowledge, intelligence, light and truth.
nothing else matters

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

Jimmy Page and a bowl of pudding
Jimmy Page and a
wait no
Brian May and a rocketship
Brian May and a roll of duct tape
eh no
....actually just gimme my iPhone and wifi and I'm set thanks

What is the craziest thing you have ever done for money?

you don't want to know and I got shafted I never got paid either urgh
oh wait do you mean real money or Monopoly money because there is a difference

What is your relationship status?

What does this mean anyway
Do I say "Married"
or do people want to know did I text my hubby today and what did he say and what did I say back and when was our last fight and is there any chance I'll be un-married soon so it's not quite so creepers for you to hit on me I mean what

What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?

count trees
ABC game
draw on the windows
Vaseline public toilet seats
buy lots of spray paint and silly string
set liquor stores on fire
toss TVs out hotel windows
toss eggs out car windows
put lipstick on my guy friends while they're sleeping then put their hands in a bowl of warm water
go fishing for mud sharks
oh wait you meant me? I thought this was about Led Zeppelin tours

What's the perfect place for a first date?

Preferably the same location at which you are with your first date, because if you are with someone else then it can't ever happen right?

Which gossip is there about you?

I have no idea
I doubt anyone talks about me at all
Of course:
It's prolly "Yo she crazy!" step awaayyyyy from the crazy eventually-will-become-the-cat-lady ....

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

oh and I pull this off too
I'm doing it
in my head at least
somebody please inform my body

Imagine you are in charge of casting a very in-depth, intelligent movie about Linda Adams life story. Please, name two actresses, in order of preference, to play you from 18 to present day. Don't base it on appearance as much as ability to portrait the essence of you?

LesQuest’s Profile PhotoLeslie Johnstone Pond
uuuuuhhhh ugh really does this movie ever need to be made.
Uhhhh this is tough....
Audrey Hepburn .... Anne Hathaway???


Language: English