

i agree with the anon mikey does still have feelings for you. why else would he not be able to or want to talk to you?

Right now I'm pissed of. Mikey does not have fucking feelings for me you retarded fuck. Please please please tell me who you are, so I can personally make sure you don't message me on here again you shit stirring, sad, lonely, pathetic waste of fucking flesh. Do everyone a favor stop banging one out, stop writing uncalled for and untrue things over the internet and go do something with your life. Maybe play in traffic I don't know, what ever you low life's do for fun. Seriously you're getting on my last nerve. It's beyond a joke this. None of this is your business or mine. So Mr/Miss Anon, Tell me who you are.

Latest answers from Luanaaaa!

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

Internet all day everyday, i need it.

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