

You should delete any future abusive questions you get. You've put up with enough now. People are sending you this shit for entertainment. They feel fantastic about themselves, knowing that they're succeeding in upsetting you. We all make mistakes in life and no one should have to put up with this.

It's not that I enjoy the hate because I don't however I'm tired of deleting questions and then getting the same one 5 minutes later. They can hate and hate and hate, but I know a small number of people care and that's why it's not hurting as much as they think. I don't answer some of the extreme questions, but I won't let people try bully me when I'm 20 years old, In a way I kinda deserve some of this though... Karma I guess

Latest answers from Luanaaaa!

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

Internet all day everyday, i need it.

Language: English