

so you dont care if she gets her kid took of her?

Look this is none of my business.
I highly doubt she will she wouldn't let it happen.
Also you shouldn't really be saying things like this, If you have concerns speak to her, Not me.
We have no contact, We don't speak nor will we ever speak.
Her kids are hers, Her life is her business and nothing in the slightest to do with me nor will it ever be or was it ever anything to do with me.
Her kids have always and will always be hers, Not mine, Not yours Anon.
If you wish to carry on 'gossiping' please do it to someone else, As I have no time for this :-)
Kindest Regards.

Latest answers from Luanaaaa!

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

Internet all day everyday, i need it.

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