

Ask @luanahitchxx

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I keep getting hard on's I'm not even joking :/ no reason they just strike like a cobra out of nowhere thank god no one's around :$

Lmfao! beat that shit!

pfft that's just when your done, I'll be paying them a visit shortly after!! -.- <3

Trust me, I'll be turning the machine off! <3

You should delete any future abusive questions you get. You've put up with enough now. People are sending you this shit for entertainment. They feel fantastic about themselves, knowing that they're succeeding in upsetting you. We all make mistakes in life and no one should have to put up with this.

It's not that I enjoy the hate because I don't however I'm tired of deleting questions and then getting the same one 5 minutes later. They can hate and hate and hate, but I know a small number of people care and that's why it's not hurting as much as they think. I don't answer some of the extreme questions, but I won't let people try bully me when I'm 20 years old, In a way I kinda deserve some of this though... Karma I guess

they don't even deserve to breathe the same air as you <3

They will be breathing through a mask if they carry on! <3

I won't let them, they manage to break your spirit I'm right here to help glue it all back together, got your back 100% <3

Thank-you, it's really starting to fuck with my head! <3

look at u even adam left

Anyone can leave, I won't ever stop anyone from walking out, however you don't know what happened.

hey hey hey, I don't need to be anon to say something bad or good about this girl, not that I have anything bad to say, she is nothing? you couldn't be more wrong because to me she is everything, Look anon" don't you think this is a little pathetic? just grow up :L

Adorkable ✔
Let them say what they want. I refuse to back down, I'm not giving up. They can do what they want they won't break me this time! Love you <3

baby its you we dont have to go nowhere its not what i want baby its you

You are going somewhere, 6 feet fucking under.

i miss the old u, i miss how u didnt care! i miss that u was always smilin i just miss how it was u know? when u so messsed up now was it them?? have they done this to you

Please, I'm begging you now, go away. This is tiring. I'm so tired of this bullshit. I'm right here!!!!!!! I just grew up.

I meant you might see me not you might have someone fancying you hahahaa XD your not undatable!! far from it!! <3

Ooo lmfao! I'm lost with all the questions haha! I hope to see you there :) Trust me I am but I like it haha :) <3

does it not make you think of all times?

Do you not understand plain English.
I promise when I find out who you are, I will hurt you.
I don't understand what your goddamn problem is but you are getting on my last nerve.
I have tried to be nice, I've tried ignoring you and now I'm fucking warning you. GIVE UP.

you might do ;) I don't need ice Im a real man Grr hahahaa :L <3

Nah, I'm undatable lmfao! Awwww manlyyy! <3

baby its you xxxxx

You really like that don't you :D? Have you downloaded the song and the remix? They are great! However, I don't like the way you keep putting it to me, so how about baby it's not me, and fuck off?

who's this "her" they're refering to? who fancies who? hahaa

It's just somebody that I use to know haha, Nobody fancies me haha!

Jesus you've been busy lmao Babe I've just got back just this minute from when I said I was going out omg we've been so far, so many hills, fields and forests we've done loads of miles :O we did that much walking my mates foot bled and went numb.. extreme walking hahaha <3

Adorkable ✔
OOO MY JESUS. Will I be seeing you tomorrow? Get some ice on them feet! <3

anyway how's things been? see you've had LOADS of questions :L <3

Erm they have been okay haha! Glad you are back though <3

Is there anything you would like to say to that person people caused shit because off?

No, because I have no idea what or who you are on about.

old enuf for her!!!!!!!!

Alright calm down kidder ;-) Why you asking/talking to me? Shouldn't you be talking to her?

im a girl i want her so bad and i mean 's.h'

Ask her out maybe :L 'want her so bad' How old are you Anon :L?

james arthur singing sexy and i know it doe!

Fuck fuck fuck! His voice is sooo haaaaawt. I got to hear and see that live ;-)

ur loved m8 ;] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

FUCK YES. My life is made. Bitches don't touch me.

in my phone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm feeling loved.

who the fuck is 's'

Someone who doesn't want to say there name on here for freaks like you to get mouthy! I mean come on Anon, everyone has grown up bar you? You seem to know everything about everyone. Who the fuck are you.


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