
Lucinda Clifton

Ask @luci_kills_things

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Boobs. I wanna suck some boobs. I wanna suck some boobs. Big boobs. Small boobs. It doesn't matter.

Right...and why exactly are you telling me this? I don't exactly have any advice, other than you could perhaps craft your own boob collection out of paper mache...

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

I would choose Tokyo 100 years in the future, but if it has to be in the past I would say 1860's Paris c:
Liked by: Ataahua Nathan Zani

Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

Everyone has to appreciate each others existence as fellow human beings for one day.

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

I plan but spontaneous things often pop up inbeween. Why? Because that's life...

What was the best thing you ever found on the street?

I honestly haven't found that much on the street. A five pound note perhaps, but this question has made me realise I really need to get out more. I am somewhat of a recluse...

Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.

Conroy Sutton-Davis
I wish I was an interior decorator, that would be pretty damn cool. But very few people would like ny designs, I think there would be unessasarry glitter and an over use of mameshibas.

What would you do if you woke up and all the other people were gone?

Assume that I would find zombies somewhere about so be quite cautious. Just kidding, in real life I would probably run around trying to find people, I would assume that either everyone knew something I didn't (for example an imminent nook explosion and everyone had been evacuated) or I was dreaming. After a few days of realising everything is real, I would probably be quite depressed, because I wouldn't have anyone I care about with me etc. But if it was only humans that had gone, I would trek back home and get my dog for at least a little companionship. Then I suppose I would try to survive as best I could...

How did people have fun 200 years ago?

Eating and drinking...music for the lucky ones...executions?

Is love complicated? Why?

Oh wow...um...where to start :s
I wouldn't say I'm exactly experienced here... But I guess love is difficult because although it's the ultimate happiness and you pursue it, you also learn that to truly connect with another person there is sacrifice, jealousy, sadness and uncertainty, and a whole host of other unpleasant things which stem from something quite beautiful. It's also hard because dedication and loyalty are hard things to find, because today's society discourages those things. I suppose there is also an element of trial and error involved...people can hide their true selves, or change and warp over time.
Liked by: RHEA

$4500 for all har today

Not to be disrespectful but I'm going to go ahead and assume that being approached on ask.fm with offers of large sums of money isn't exactly legitimate...

What do you do when you are alone in your room?

Sit at my PC, sometimes jump around to my musics, sleep, work, lay around in random positions that look painful but are actually comfortable...sing to myself, try on various clothing arrangements, sometimes tidy up, sometimes eat, watch anime...you get the general idea. I love being by myself sometimes though.

Would you rather be royalty or a reality TV star?

Royalty :D Because then I could have a butler and I would call him Giles no matter what his actual name was and I would give him daily gifts of fruit baskets and he would sigh and be happy but also annoyed he was in my employment.

What do you say during awkward silences?

I usually produce random tunes by humming or something :s then people sort of laugh or smile and it usually breaks the ice. Or sometimes I just giggle with awkwardness.

And my thoughts fly apart Can this man be believed? Shall his sins be forgiven? Shall his crimes be reprieved?

I blame the moth

What are the majority(most) of the guys that you tend to find cute/attractive/hot usuallly(not always)? White guys, Black guys, Hispanic guys, Asian guys, Indian guys, Middle Eastern guys? PS: This question has nothing to do with racism and like I said before I only ask about the majority of them.

I wouldn't say I have a type, if I look at a guy and think he is attractive, then I think he is attractive. He could be from literally anywhere, but some people just have something about them that makes them inexplicably attractive to me.


Language: English