
Lucy Cole

Ask @lucy_3537

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hahahah you'd be watching Mickey Mouse spooky fest if it weren't for me Hahahah❤️

doesn't mean that I still don't watch that...
Liked by: meg

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What's your favorite movie?

silence of the lambs, mean girls, the shining, 21 and 22 jump street, the interview, and a bunch more
Liked by: Daniela

Tbh// you're literally one of the prettiest girls I know and you're so nice and we should talk more ✌️❤️

Dam1123’s Profile PhotoDaniela

Lucy, I told you Dave Franco is mine and you know that. why would you even try to cheat!

sorry Dave told me the other night that he chooses me

Hottest celebs?

woahhh okk
Dave Franco
zac Efron
Matttew gray gubler
Ed westwick
James Franco
chases Crawford
Dylan obrian
hook from once upon a time
and a lotttt more
Liked by: Marianne

Marlon likes you. You like Marlon. (Don't deny it. Everyone knows) why aren't you guys dating already??

maybe I don't want to date

just do squads in all period pls

ok finee
first: caroline Soofi alast cindy Etay jimmy Eric
second: olivia Marianne Dennis Rachel
third: olivia emnet Allie
fourth: merdi Rebecca Etay Natalie gordon
fifth: Marianne caroline Isabelle gordon christian marcus
sixth: kyra justin emnet Jason jayden
seventh: ellie Christian Etay Ella Garrett gordon cindy
sorry if I missed any my phones about to die so I was rushed haha
Liked by: elliermoore


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