
Lucy Kitcher

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I was going to speak to you but then I didn't ;)

don't want to sound mean or horrible but its a good thing you didn't because I was mumbling all shit to ethan so god knows what id of said to you haha;),whos this,mail me?:p

What do you believe happens to us after we die?

I think we get to be an animal tbh,if you do im a meerkat all the wayyy

yes you did luc so dont lie, and yeah, its easier init, cba for facebook, kiks playing up:), so yeah:)

megan barron
I swear down on my own life I never!!,yeah that's why you just wrote a status,hahaha,good one:')

ijust want you to stop pulling her away from me when im trying to talk to her!that jealous luc!+oh onto the bestfriend thing again isit?what did you say again oh yeah i remember'im bestfriends with her because ive known her longer than you'wow luc,its about whos been by her side and never left!

megan barron
I don't pull her away:'),haha;),yeah on to the best friend thing:),I did NOT say because ive known her longer so don't you dare twist my words I said knew her longer but I didn't say that was the reason,i'v been there for her more than her and even when I told her I was going I never have because id never leave her!,your the pathetic one because you knew fully well you could of mailed this to me or kiked it to me but 0your childish so you posted it on my ask!:L,do me a favour and go because I don't want to talk to you:'

yeah your shit luc, you ALWAYS pull carys away from me, i talk to her or walk with her and you grab her bag and pull her away from me its pathetic

megan barron
orite en:),yeah course I do,just because she sat by my in phyisics and boil you text her saying don't talk to me and stuff,wow!:L,yeah im pathetic lots:),not dotting me;)

opinion please slugszilla:D-kiekie

awh that's cute:D,when you got wit becca we always used to argue but we've sorted it out now,your so lovely and kind,cute with bec!!,here if you ever need me:D

luc,i cant be fucked anymore for your shit! so im just going to ask you one thing!! why do you keep pulling carys away from me when im talking to her or walking with her?we was arguing earlier and you was the one texting back off her phone!stop being so childish and let me talk to my bestfriend? ta.

megan barron
my shit?:'),okay:p,i don't?,your not the only one who wants to talk to her and walk with her,when its just me,you and carys and I don't like you im obvs going to talk to her because I don't have anyone else to talk to!,i text you back once and all it said was 'no' so you know!,childish because I said no yeah smooth:L,your not the only one whos best friends with her considering you text her telling her not to talk to you so yeah cute best friend!:L,dotting me because your hard core,haha!
Liked by: riaaamorgg!

y arnt you and megan baron friends

This is either meg or carys because nobody knew we even argued!:'),but were not friends because she got involved in something she shouldn't of,once again!:),if she'd of stayed out of it we'd be orite but she just couldn't could she:)

woahh slow the fuck down you jealous fuckers!!,her+eeth are perfect for eachother,so stop being so fucking jelous that she's seeing someone who makes her happy!!,giving her abuse will only bring her down+bring her,eeth+all her bestfriends much much closer+whoever called her a slut?ye get a DICTONARY

Haha!!:D,omfg i love you man!!;),thank you:),means alot:)xx

Why is ethan even seeing you? He can do better than a slut like you

Dunno,ask him that not me:),i know he can!:L,tell him that not me like!:L,do you know what a slut is :')

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

dont care,as long as its not really long or really short:L


Language: English