Ask @luehen

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isn't that a good thing? i'm tainting your imagination with mine, ehe. oh my god. somewhat i'm imagining the lube to be in milk bottles, lol what. um. but i do wonder how lubeman will stop crime by using lube though.

sonwends’s Profile Photowendork.
(҂‾ ▵‾)︻デ═一 (˚▽˚’!)/ you cant tainting my pure and innocent mind with your wild imagination. gdi why a lube on the milk bottles- do you WANT TO DRINK A MILK FROM A MILK BOTTLES, little girl? well, I could hand them the lube and let them do something with it on their self..... now I am imagining Joker from batman do something with the lube on himself-
Liked by: kang seulgi.

i can agree on that! damn, i wish i had a forehead like yours, it couldve been easier for me to get into my company too. ;p

tbh, I hadnt done any auditions. SM has found me when I was walking down in the street. but this is a secret, alright? our secret.
Liked by: kang seulgi.

Language: English