
The Nature Boy

Ask @lumineon

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I was eating a bland, flavorless, boring piece of toast this morning, but then I realized I was eating your answers instead. :o

I'd go to the doctors for AIDS then, my answers have a history of it o.o

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Are you a misanthrope?

not gonna lie..I had to google that to understand what that is lol xD but yeah I guess I kinda am, I mean I generally don't like humankind much, though friends and family are an exception, make of that what you will

If you were a dildo then what kind would you be?

hmm..I'd be..the kind that tells you how dirty your ass is when im inside

Why does Grindcore suck?

cuz it's just a bunch of ear raping noises, unlike other forms of music the only point of it is to be as non-mainstream as possible to the most obnoxious degree
Liked by: Jaguar-Isshi

OoOoooOOOooOh! I could imagine putting ET up my ass and feeling the extraterrestrial pain! Oh extraterrestrial pain, Oh extraterrestrial pain, Oh extraterrestrial pain~

have fun orgasming xD

Did you see how they uncovered those ET carts for the NES? They sure would make good dildos...

eh, ET himself makes a better one

There's a reason why Brohood is rated the highest on MAL. Trust me, it gets REALLY good as it goes on.

ok :)

What about FMA: Brotherhood? Came out just a few years back and I loved the hell out of it.

from what ive seen so far..it's decent, might try watching it all someday if i ever get around to it

What's the best anime you can think of that came out in recent years?

either Akame ga Kill or Date a live xD

My friend died of a lung infection and there was nothing I could do. Any advice to cope?

um..I..I dont have any..i've never had a friend die..I've lot family members before but I get the feeling it'd be different to lose a friend :(

Havnt been on this in ages so whats your H.O of me?

um..i'd need to know who you are before saying anything about you lol

So, if you were in the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Universe what would your stand's name be and what powers would it have?

sadly i haven't managed to watch it yet so I dunno ;-;

Shit, no Naruto ninjas are the only ones you know about? *derp*

well..there's..Ryu Hayubusa..um..yeah..xD

Animé ninjas and real ninjas are essentialessentially the same thing. *derp*

well id be concerned if real ninjas could summon frogs the size of battleships and fire black flames that will burn until what it's burning is completly destroyed..I'm pretty sure Japan would rule the world by now if that was the case :P

Don't need to say who it is, I'll take that as a yes then lol ;P

well, there is a few..can message me if you'e curious :P

What if Goofy went back in time to prevent 9/11 attacks from happening?

that would be one hell of a weird disney movie plot xD

Because we'd have a problem if you didn't let the shitty shit nuggets grace my precious dildos.

problem averted :P

I was diagnosed with autism today; I'm scared, any advice?

only thing I can really say is theres nothing to be scared of, being diagnosed with autism doesn't change who you are, so just keep going and do whatever you want to do, it's not gonna stop you any more than it would have before you got it diagnosed, im not the best with life advice and shit but im hoping I could help a little bit at least, sorry for taking a while to reply to this btw ;-;

Have you ever had an injury in your life?

yeah, though ive never actually had anything broken, at most ive sprained some joints :P

I hope you have a wonderful life full of accomplishments.

why thank you, not really used to someone on ask fm saying something really nice like that ^_^

Are you romantic? Why or why not?

i dont get that far with a girl, but if i do i can be :P (Im availble ladies lol ;P)

I really like you but I'm being told to back of cause of some girl called Brooke saying that I'm just taking you away from her and stuff so if your in a relationship with her I'll politely back off :)

i know who this is :P check ur fb messages whenever u can ^_^

What if it fucks up our friendship? And we break up and lose our friendship?

its a risk for sure..but the way i see it, if the break up was simply because they lost feelings and/or felt like it wasn't working out and end it without arguments or anything like that, I think they wouldn't be real friends if they let something like that end the friendship :)
Liked by: Louise Welsh

Help I like someone but don't know if they like me back? Dunno what to do :(

only piece of advice I can give honestly is to just go for it xD
Liked by: Louise Welsh

I had a dream where my penis was talking shit to me, so I talked shit to it back! Then we had a physical fight and my penis won. Can you believe that!

damn it u should have invited me to the fight, could put a bet on it ;-;

If you could change your eye color; what would you change it too? (Even if it's unnatural like purple)

hmm..as many jokes as im gonna get for this..id have one be brown and the other pink :P
Liked by: Louise Welsh

Why is RVF such an asshole that tells people they can't respect others' opinions when he can't tolerate that I like Kaguya's apples and rather than hate Elsa's oranges to death I'll just eat Kaguya's apples instead?

Dammy Goldstein
eh, i suppose because you both have differing opinions and cant seem to agree to disagree, thats how i see it anyway


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