
Middle Earth Elf.

Ask @lunaEros

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Thoughts about drugs?

Drugs have really fucked up my family so I'm not a huge fan of the hard shit. But for me, I've only really done a few drugs. But I don't do mdma anymore. Just smoke weed and occasionally shrooms . Tried acid a few times. Might do it again but idk. Lol.

Who is cuter? Drake or da kittens?

oh god this is a tough question lol IDK MAN they're both pretty fucking cute. The kittens are all grown up now and they all have such beautiful fur like their mum lol. Drake is just more than cute in many different ways and I just love them all.

Hey there! I love your dreads did you do them yourself or go to a salon? I wanna do mine but have no idea the first steps of going about it and yours are flawless! -BTW you are so fucking stunning if I may add

I did them myself :) & thank you so much!

I admire you so much.. I wish I could pull off the way you look, and go for shit I want the way you do :3 you're so stunning it's almost unfair lol keep being amazing and beautiful and perfect and such a pure soul. You're boyfriend is a lucky guy; you're both perfect together. Stay you man ❤

I never go on my askfm. Thank you so much!! You made me smile :) I am very appreciative that you admire me. You're amazing <3 who ever you are

What is your favourite movie? And why is it toy story 3?

My favourite movie? Um I don't know. I have a lot to choose from. But I don't recall ever sayin you story 3 was my fav lol. Although it is a good movie.

You should post modelling your leather jacket again haha

Ah, maybe one day! :) don't really have any photographers that want to take photos of me haha.

Ass pic?:)

I find this funny because I posted a photo of my bum for a contest to win and meet and greet with borgore on my Instagram. Then 5 minutes later I get asked this. Haha. Look on my Instagram if you want to see it so badly.

A pic of u with no pearcings in?

I don't have any on this phone & it's annoying to take them out. Sorrrrrry

You talk to me everyday Kia.. Come on.. Hahaha

I talk to two people every day! Jeff & Jen ! Who is it lolol

You're secret admirer ;)

My secret admirer lol well that's neat. I'm curious to know who this is. Uh give me a hint lol

I've never technically met you, but I can say just from talking to you as much as I have, you are a great person, amazing I'd say. and I love talking to you. I really want to meet you on day but even if I never get to then I hope I still get to keep talking to you. You're beautiful. <3

Hai! Sorry for not responding til now. I deleted my ask for awhile. You're so sweet! This made me smile. Maybe one day we'll meet, whoever you are. Who are you btw?

What shit

Why are you asking? Clearly you're one of his friends who are just wanting to be nosey about situations that don't involve you.

What made you want to date the boy you are with out of curiosity

Mm, Hes helped me out with a lot of things in the past month or so and still helps me with stuff I'm going through. I can talk to him about anything and He makes me feel beautiful and confident in myself. He treats me so so well that most of the time I don't even think I deserve it. he just makes me very happy in ways I just didnt think I could be happy. He makes me laugh all the time and we always pick on each other. Like pushing each other around and calling each other names and stuff lol. It just feels so most different then anything I've ever had. The connection him and I have is so strong. We clicked as soon as we met. :) He's my best friend & my love. :)

You are awesome and I wish I could meet you. If I never get to then I hope you have a good and long life. <3

Aw! This is so sweet. Thank-you :') you're awesome too! Maybe one day we can meet. You never know what happens in the future man! May I ask who you are?

Why? Snake bites are so pretty

They are! I just kinda want to get my vertical lebret (I think that's how it's spelt) done :3 & I don't want to have lots of lip piercings cause it would look odd

What inspired u to have such a interest in pearcings?

Just saw people that walked by, photos of girls on the internet that had some and it kinda went with the "look" I was trying to go for back when I got my first piercing. I quite enjoy all my modifications. :) thinking about taking out le snakebites though.

What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

"You can look but you can't touch" lol idfk man

What made you happy today?

Meetin a new friend, getting Starbucks. Mostly being outside since it was such a beautiful day out and only one more sleep til I get to see le bf. :)

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

No matter what happens, everything happens for a reason. The negative parts in your life are only there to bring you up and help you through those tough situations. When there is negative, there is always positive following. Like a storm, there's always a rainbow afterwards.

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

"I love you for all that I am and I can't wait to have you in my arms again."

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

At the moment, Reread messages from my lovely boyfriend, look at photos/videos of music festivals and figure out what I'm going to wear for BassArena.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

I've been told I have a great voice but I give myself a 5?

youre perfect!!!

Oh my, no way m'dear. You and your mods are the ones that are perfect. You're very beautiful :).

What's up with you and cam. Why ya Trynna be a home wrecking whore?

Excuse me? How the hell am I a "home wrecking whore" ? I didn't know talking about Starbucks, music, music festivals, his birthday, native stuff, his friends, my friends, who I like and how I miss them, is being a "Home wrecking whore." Please say some more shit through anon, who ever this. Which I can pretty sure I can guess who it is. It makes me laugh seeing this kind of shit. :)


Language: English