

Ask @lyuanz

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yixing already officially made it clear that he won't be accepting fangifts right? his birthday letter in 2013 was about this and afaik, sm doesn't accept gifts on his behalf anymore. i saw someone saying yixing's isn't official like chen or kyungsoo.

that someone has probably been living under a rock
Liked by: Nisan 朴晗兴

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they were cute for a short period of time years ago how are they not over it yet smfh. i can't tell them off lmao so i resort to complaining on anon T-T

its ok i've been tolerating as well 🌚

The USA go is that the dolls? Or is xingbae still going to do them?

er idk anything about usa g.os unless its got sth to do with yixing magazines and im helping nicole/ @femxing get them. i think u should ask her about it instead

Hey, so I'm a huge fan of Yixing but do from his weibo, don't you feel bad that he asked the fans to buy something for his crew?

that request wasnt directed to the fans. it was directed to the "secret guests" (lieutanant, chen pi, jiu ye and madame huo) who were coming for the media visit. fans are not invited for the media visit..
Liked by: Nisan 朴晗兴

Hai, first thanks for subbing old nine gate 😊, just curious about something why did lay voice dubbing in that drama? Do yoy know?

everyone's voices were dubbed. dubbing will always occur for chinese period/historical dramas
Liked by: desy n. n.

Hi Chanel! I just want to thank you for all your hardwork in translating Yixing stuff! It's not everyday we find someone as dedicated as you. Wishing you all the best! 😁

haha i just try my best for yixing ^^ thank you!

will yixing appear on tonight's episode? i heard that they have already upload today's episode..

yeah he will~ yup they have already uploaded until episode 6 which vip members can watch

messy needs to stop being a baby tbh. you win some you lose some you win it for everyone sometime you lose it for everyone some other time

who is messy
edit: i sent this ask to a more relevant person (ie: my sister) and this is her reply

i think anon meant messi the football player and totally misfired on your ask. probably meant it for someone football fan lmao.

oh i kinda figured after that HAHA because my sis is a fan of messi and i've been seeing her tweets about what happened too. but thanks anws!!!!

How did TBABM ratings turn out? Did the show have good results? I never read how the reviews were. Or maybe I missed it...

it has been doing well. i havent rly been checking, but it has been at the top of the airing timeslot if im not wrong. it also just hit 10 billion online views~

Hey may i translate TBABM into Spanish via ur eng sub? And where i can find raw vers. of Lay cut could help me pls?😅

yup u can, just rmb to give credit ^^ i get the raw videos from brightstar on weibo!

does yixing has his own stylist now? the one with the blonde hair?

he always has his own stylists but they changed his stylists a few months ago, so he has a new crew now. yeah the dude with the blonde hair is one of them.

what if I live in England? ):

i have asked vivian @yixingspixie (who lives in the UK) and she has kindly agreed to send out the magazine to you when she gets them from me. so if you still want to buy the magazine pls send in your order form soon ^^

Star Espace Room has blocked on both Youtube and Mega. Would you guys upload it again? ><

probably. i'll ask namja about it~

does that mean yixing IS getting offers from brokers but isn't ignoring them? :O

no........... the only part that is true about the post is that there are chinese entertainment companies who want yixing and yixing has rejected them. the end.

hello can you tell me How to write the title of Yixing's OST "one person" in pinyin? like this one > xing =兴

yi ge ren

will you be subbing series two of go fighting with namja1to4?

nope, its too much work for the both of us to handle by ourselves. we will be doing old nine gates instead.
Liked by: desy n. n.

hi i've been using your translations for my yixing page on facebook, i give you credit at the bottom of the post for all translations but i just wanted to make sure you were okay with it? i don't want to keep posting them if i don't have permission.

yeah sure its fine so long as u credit ^^
Liked by: desy n. n.

C, since namja is not on ask, can you please forward my thank you to her? Thank you for uploading all EXO broadcast/ig posts/ everything so fast

u can just tweet her~

hi for the broadcast on 31 march is it live? he's shooting for the magazine then? or it has already been shot?

yes its live, i alr mentioned it in my tweet. means that we will be able to watch the process of yixing doing the cover shoot, he has not done it yet.

Chanel I have so many questions to ask you (don't worry they are normal ones)...but first of all thank you for subbing Go Fighting :-)

no problem~ its me and namja's pleasure to do so~ ^^

i know that ep 11-13 of go fighting is privated but i was wondering if you could share the link please?

we will share it when we are ready. pls wait.

ohh i see. thank you. do you know if he is going to be in only 40 of 48 episodes? or did they shoot his parts early because he needs to do the film. sorry for so many questions.

idk. just wait and see when the actual drama is out.

hi lyuanz, i was wondering, has the filming for ONG wrapped up for everyone or just yixing?

just yixing

Why is there news of Yixing shooting Graduation Season in April? I thought he won't take it.

he isnt. ignore anything related to graduation season.

Hi chanel! Where do you follow yixing's schedule and whether he's in seoul/beijing/hengdian some days? Or his monthly schedule. Like where on weibo? I'm just curious because its always so confusing what he's doing and whether he even rests. Its ok if you dont wish to reply :)

there is no specific person on weibo to follow with regards to that, and there is no monthly schedule that will be written out, its information that is spread amongst fans. cant rly help u much sorry ><

are people downplaying his injury because if it's really lumbar related it's srs and he's lucky he's not paralyzed. i'm angry at the situation.

no exact details of his injury has been revealed except that it is very serious and requires 2 months of bedrest (from what his manager says). so im not sure why people are downplaying his injury or where the downplaying even comes from.

hi chanel. i dont wanna annoy you but i've been waiting gf ep.11-12 eng sub for months, i think you guys are busy. will you translate it in the end? or do i have to watch it from the official channel?

idk... but your qn kinda rubbed me off the wrong way? but to ans your qn: eps 11 and 13 are already on our channel but have been privated. translations for ep 12 is complete, and we are only left with the timing etc. we will release all the remaining eps together. do not ask me when. if u do not want to wait anymore u are free to watch the official channel subs :)

Hi chanel!! Do you know what this #张艺兴不要拍毕业季# is about? ><

the staff of "graduation season" keeps trying to use yixing to gain attention for the drama when its alr confirmed that yixing will not be taking it up. so fans just want to make it known with the hashtag #zyx does not want to film graduation season# that yixing has nothing to do with the drama bc its not the first time the drama keeps trying to associate itself with yixing. so just ignore anything/news u see about "graduation season" claiming that its male lead is yixing, bc it has nothing to do with yixing at all.
Liked by: 하나


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