

Ask @m3rmaiid

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Have you ever lied to someone saying you were busy because you couldn't be arsed talking to them?


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Why do people only look to the exterior of a person rather than who they are inside?

I don't hhahha

name 10 reasons for why you'd possibly ignore someone?:* x

Asking for nudes
Talking to me like I'm an object not a person
Ignoring me and talking to me when they want something
Annoying people who text you all the time
Erm idk

why did you stop riding?...

I broke my leg and came back and the horse I was looking after had been given away. I didn't want any others so I gradually just stopped. Also it was really expensive x

did the first time hurt and make youwiat the second time or u fucked right away

I used to do horse riding so you do the math

cannot believe how much weight you've lost, it's incredible. you look so much happier and your figure is amazing! you should be really proud of yourself for doing what many are much too lazy to achieve. x

I haven't even lost loads of weight why does everyone keep saying this to me

you are absolutely stunning... I would give anything to spend even just 1 hour with you where I was able to treat you like a princess... xx

I already have someone who treats me like a princess

don't you fucking dare call Chloe fat... look at her?! she's perfect, low life anon hahahahaha hahahahaha, dickkkksss

Thank you

Just thought I'd remind you that you are an amazing person. Too much abuse going around on here so thought I'd turn it on its head and dish out anonymous compliments. Smile beautiful!

Thank you!


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