

Ask @mInefortresh

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If you had to get on a 14 hour flight, who would you want to sit next to?

idk. last time i was 5hours and there was some drunk finn next to me;D

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At the moment? Would you rather spend the rest of your life being single, or in a relationship were the only person you could go out with was your partner?


Heräät ja huomaat, että yksi huone on palanut jossa KAIKKI maailman ihmiset ovat( sinäkin).Sinä pääset sieltä pois,mutta kukaan muu ei pääse pois.Mutta saat valita vain yhden(1)henkilön ketä pelastat.Kuka hän olisi? saa olla kuka tahansa kuhan on vaan yksi henkilö! :-)

vooi anonano ja todennökösyys aik anoluokkaa kans:D en oo vrma et oonko sanonu jo mutta olkoon tämä viiminen anokymysys mihi vastaan viikon sisää:) ja vrmaanki mun pikkuveli tai ed vähä hiinä ja hiinä:)

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

coffe house and ben& jerrys shops where would be free:D

Do you spend too much time on smart phone playing ‘stupid games’?

no O.o if 2048 is not stupid :D

How are you feeling right now?

ankee, väsyny, pettyny, ja muuteski vähä synkkä eikä oo kivaa:(

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?

piirtäminen on parast. ja kutosen kuvis:D

If you were to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

et muhu kiintys helpommi ja kaikki tytöt ois sillee ihq ja tulis judsgaa:D

Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

past but i`d like to live in the moment

What do you think people should do more often?

no becouse then theye become doers and goes grazy. but if they are donters then they are nomal.


Language: English